Shaneb, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Fri, 18 Oct 2019 03:43:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shaneb, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 How to Use Facebook Ads with Influencers to Gain 7X Conversions Fri, 18 Oct 2019 03:43:20 +0000 There is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to social media marketing. You have to constantly evolve your strategies. There are a bazillion factors that can influence the buying decisions or actions of your target audience. Combining Facebook ads with influencer marketing...

The post How to Use Facebook Ads with Influencers to Gain 7X Conversions appeared first on Tech Web Space.

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to social media marketing. You have to constantly evolve your strategies. There are a bazillion factors that can influence the buying decisions or actions of your target audience.

Combining Facebook ads with influencer marketing is equivalent to leveraging two winning strategies in one to achieve the best of both worlds. It’s akin to the Marvel Studios movie plot, where they brought both Iron Man and Spiderman together to tap into the fanbase of both characters.

89% of digital marketers say that influencer marketing delivers ROI that is better or comparable to other marketing channels. 65% of marketers also plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets for 2019.

Image via Mediakix

Facebook exposes your content to a wide audience. And you can expect a greater ROI when you amplify influencer-created content using Facebook ads. 

If you are already generating a good ROI from your social media marketing activities, you can partner with influencers to drive even better results.

In this post, we’ll show you how you can leverage influencers to maximize your conversion rate and lower the cost-per-click (CPC) of your Facebook ads.

But before we jump into that, let’s get some more clarity on why combining Facebook ads with influencer marketing can give you great results.

How Can Influencers Turbocharge Your Facebook Ads?

Regardless of your industry or niche, the main goal of any campaign is to maximize conversions and minimize ad spend. When you create an engaging Facebook ad, not only will your audience love it, but so will Facebook.

In fact, if your ads garner more likes, comments, shares, and clicks, Facebook will reward you with a lower cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-action (CPA). 

This is where influencers come into the picture. Facebook ads usually don’t perform very well in terms of engagement metrics. Who comments on a Facebook ad or shares it with their friends? Not many of us, right? But when influencers are involved, it’s in a different league all together.

Influencers are usually great content creators and they understand what kind of content their audiences will love and engage with. That’s why their content is likely to perform well.

When you amplify influencer-created content using Facebook ads, it can drive even better results. That’s the reason Facebook ads that involve influencers generate a higher ROI than ads that don’t.

How to Leverage Influencers to Create Better Facebook Ads

Now that we know that influencer-created content can help you improve the ROI of your Facebook ads, let’s learn how to make that happen.

Here’s the step-by-step process to combine Facebook ads with influencer marketing:

  • Define your goals.
  • Find the right influencers for your brand/campaign.
  • Work with those influencers to create great content.

Let’s discuss these steps in detail.

Step 1: Define Your Goals

You can measure the success of your campaigns only when you have a defined goal.

Instead of having a vague goal such as “increase brand awareness,” you should clearly define your goals. For example, you may want to get at least 15K impressions on an influencer post.

Here are a few goals for your next Facebook ad campaign in which influencers can help you:

  • Increase social media engagement such as likes, shares, and comments.
  • Drive referral traffic to your website.
  • Increase conversions such as the number of sales or sign-ups.
  • Increase your revenue.

Step 2: Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand/Campaign

One way to find relevant influencers for your brand is to look at your existing fanbase. You can go through the list of your followers on different platforms. You can also use social listening tools to find people who are already talking about your brand. Some of them might be influencers too.

Many of these tools offer a free trial so you can see how effective they are before you upgrade to their premium versions.

But, how can you decide if an influencer is the right fit for your brand? Here are a few things you should look for in an influencer:

  • Do they have a decent number of followers?
  • Does their content align with your brand’s aesthetics and values?
  • Does their content generate enough engagement?
  • Do they belong to the same niche as yours?
  • Do their followers include your target audience?

If the answers to the above questions are “yes,” you can reach out to the influencer to check if they would be interested to work with your brand.

You can also employ a different approach to save time and maximize the returns from your Facebook ad campaign. When looking for influencers who have already mentioned your brand on social media, you can check out their posts.

If the post in which they talked about your brand or products has performed well in the past, it could be repurposed and promoted through Facebook ads. This will save you an enormous amount of time spent on fresh content creation, especially when you are working with several micro-influencers.

Repurposed influencer-content stands a better chance to deliver higher ROI for your Facebook ads as it has already performed well.

Just make sure that you contact the influencer and negotiate a deal for you to use their content. Never use their content without their permission.

Step 3: Work with Influencers to Create Great Content

You should maintain transparency when it comes to campaign goals and content expectations. You should make sure that your influencers are on the same page. 

For this, your marketing and creative team should work very closely with them to support the campaign goals.

Miranda Miller, a fitness and beauty influencer, promoted cosmetics products by Jasper’s Market.

Image via Marketing Land

When an influencer mentions your products as an essential part of their lifestyle, such posts go a long way to build trust and generate engagement.

You can repurpose their top-performing content to run a Facebook ad campaign for your brand. However, you should proofread their content before the ad goes live.


There is no doubt that Facebook ads created using content from influencers can help you drive more traffic and sales. But the competition is tough.

You need to work closely with your influencers to create ad copy that visitors won’t skip without clicking on. You should also be careful during influencer selection to make sure that they fit your audience and niche.

Have you ever used influencer-created content to run a Facebook ad campaign? Please share your experiences and insights with us in the comments below.

The post How to Use Facebook Ads with Influencers to Gain 7X Conversions appeared first on Tech Web Space.

4 Influencer Marketing Mistakes That Will Bring You to a Dead-End Fri, 20 Sep 2019 04:29:45 +0000 According to a study by Tomoson, influencer marketing has beaten email marketing, paid search, and organic search to become the fastest-growing medium for online customer-acquisition. The study also found that businesses are making $6.50 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing with...

The post 4 Influencer Marketing Mistakes That Will Bring You to a Dead-End appeared first on Tech Web Space.

According to a study by Tomoson, influencer marketing has beaten email marketing, paid search, and organic search to become the fastest-growing medium for online customer-acquisition. The study also found that businesses are making $6.50 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing with some top businesses making up to $20

Image source – Tomoson

If done right, influencer marketing has the potential to deliver incredible ROI.

However, despite the huge potential, many marketers fall prey to mistakes that bring them to a dead-end.

In this article, we will talk about the most common mistakes in influencer marketing and how to avoid them

Top Influencer Marketing Mistakes

Mistake 1 – Not Vetting Your Influencers

Many marketers just pick any influencer from their niche as long as they have a high follower count.

This is one of the first mistakes that can jeopardize the entire campaign.

When you partner with an influencer, they become the public face for your brand. This means that their actions and words will be associated with your brand during the partnership and even beyond it.

That’s why it is important to do proper research and carefully vet your influencers. Choose an influencer that shares your brand’s values and believes in your product/services.

Most influencer marketing fails happened when the influencer did/said something that went against the values of the brand they were associated with.

In 2018, Logan Paul posted a video titled “We found a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest.” This resulted in him getting dropped from several projects, losing several brand sponsors, and getting removed from Google’s Preferred program. The video faced massive backlash and the YouTuber had to issue a written apology and create a video apology.

The partnership between PewDiePie and Disney and the debacle that followed is another extreme example of everything that can go wrong when two incompatible entities work together.

Image source YouTube

If you choose a random influencer without properly researching their background and values, it’s like playing Russian roulette.

To increase your chances of winning, explore different options to research about the influencer. Go through their feeds, Google them to look for related news, and monitor social media conversations to see what people are saying about them. And then go with the one who shares the values and vision of your business.

Mistake 2 – Falling Prey to the Copy-Pasting Disaster

When an influencer is promoting your brand, it is important for the partnership to come across as genuine. If things seem staged or fabricated, the campaign could do a lot more harm than good.

There are many ways this can happen. But one of the most embarrassing situations is when the influencer accidentally copy-pastes the instructions given to them.

This type of mistake occurs a lot more frequently than you might imagine

For instance, The Real Housewives of New York star, Ramona Singer, accidentally copy-pasted all of the instructions provided to her for #FRGoNaked campaign.

Image source – Curalate

Similarly, Instagram influencer and supermodel, Naomi Campbell, accidentally pasted the entire email content that the Adidas marketing team gave her. 

Image Source –

By the time Naomi spotted the error and edited the post, it was already out for her 2.9 million followers to see.

Such mistakes also highlight the importance of reviewing everything multiple times before hitting the “post” button.

It’s also crucial to write a clear and effective influencer marketing campaign brief. The brief will make everything transparent from the very beginning so that you can avoid such mistakes.

Mistake 3 – Not Acknowledging Your Influencer Relationship

Many marketers shy away from declaring their relationship with influencers. They believe that the followers take an influencer’s post more seriously when it comes across as unpaid/genuine reviews.

However, consumers are by no means fools and they can easily detect your partnership. By trying to hide your relationship with the influencer, you are endangering both your reputation and people’s trust in the influencer.

A good way to go about it is to tag every influencer post with a #sponsoredpost or #promotionalpost hashtag. 

See how Instagrammer, Nanda Weskott, starts her caption with a disclaimer. You can find that she is very upfront and transparent when she is doing an influencer campaign and clearly states when a post is part of a paid campaign.

Image Source: Instagram

Mistake 4 – Not Keeping Up with the Influencer’s Personality

Marketers spend a lot of time and effort to search for an influencer who is a good fit for their brand. But once they have them onboard, they may force their own ways on the influencers.

The entire point of partnering with an influencer is to be able to use their personality to promote a product. But when a marketer wants to be in control and constrain the influencer to very strict rules, influencers lose their creative spark.

Imagine a fashion blogger who always posts about fashion and travel suddenly starts posting about the technical aspects of using a car. Wouldn’t it feel out of place? Would you trust the words of the influencer about the features and quality of the car?

Well, that is exactly what happened when model and blogger, Chriselle Lim, posted about Volvo cars in a tone that is very different from her normal writing style.

Image Source: Instagram

First of all, the image looks too perfect and hence gives the feeling of being staged. Secondly, the caption is too buttoned-up and hence the campaign automatically loses some credibility. 

Had she written about the Volvo car in a similar manner as she writes about other things on her Instagram feed, the campaign would have been more effective. 

Give some room for creativity to the influencer and allow them to promote your product in a unique and authentic way.

And That’s a Wrap!

If done correctly, influencer marketing can do wonders for your business. However, do not consider it a magic wand that can get you loyal followers for a lifetime. It is just another marketing medium that works only if you have a well-planned strategy.

Remember that every influencer has the potential to be great, bad, or downright disastrous. Learn from others’ failures, avoid the mistakes we’ve highlighted above, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

Have we missed any other common influencer mistakes? Hit us up in the comments section.

The post 4 Influencer Marketing Mistakes That Will Bring You to a Dead-End appeared first on Tech Web Space.
