Harris, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Thu, 25 Jan 2018 06:47:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Harris, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Effective Ways of Using Instagram to Drive High Traffic to Your Fashion Website https://www.techwebspace.com/effective-ways-using-instagram-drive-high-traffic-fashion-website/ Thu, 25 Jan 2018 06:47:20 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=5329 You could successfully promote your unique style or fashion brand on the best social media platform called the Instagram provided you endorse the correct product at the correct time, in synchronization with the latest demand and fashion. In the present times, consumers...

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You could successfully promote your unique style or fashion brand on the best social media platform called the Instagram provided you endorse the correct product at the correct time, in synchronization with the latest demand and fashion. In the present times, consumers are constantly browsing their smartphones.

They are simply hooked on to their mobile phones 24×7. Since Instagram has been consistently focusing on the mobile phone users, it has the unbelievably huge benefit of having a phenomenally large number of engaged customers in comparison to other social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and others.

If statistics were to be believed, Instagram posts actually receive 60x more responses as compared to the Facebook and about 120 x certainly more visibility as compared to Twitter. The phenomenal online presence of Instagram is attributed to the constant and steady use of awesome images of products by this photo-sharing app. You usually upload pictures on Instagram using your phone. That is why Instagram is a really personal platform and seems to be like some on-the-go-kind of an app. You could actually effectively create a community on Instagram with precisely your profile picture.

You could successfully attract more and more traffic to your Instagram fashion site by following a few tips:

#1 Planning & Scheduling Your Posts in Advance Necessary

It is essential to plan and stay organized regarding posting of Instagram pictures. If you are thinking of posting thrice or four times every single day, in such a situation, you must think about the kind of content you are thinking about sharing. You must see how an image flows and seems sensible within the feed. It is always a major headache to hunt a random image. There are even possibilities of them not flowing or making perfect sense in your newsfeed.

Planning what posts would be posted that day would help you remain organized and would be time-saving during the day. You would no longer miss the photo opportunity planned well in advance.  Use apps such as Liketoknow.it or Latergram for pictures that are all set to be published.

#2 Gain Knowledge about the Platform

Familiarize yourself with each and every aspect of the Instagram. Before endorsing some products, you should be well-versed and aptly trained in every application. Today, you can buy real Instagram likes for boosting traffic.

#3 Leverage Consumer-Generated Content

It is well-known that consumers love being recognized by the brands and celebrities they love. If you use this to your advantage by mentioning some of them on your stream and reposting their pictures with your products, you are not only opening up avenues for user-generated content that complements your own and adds a fresh face to your brand, you are also positively reinforcing their faith in the brand and getting them excited enough to recommend you to friends and family.

#4 Social Cross-Promotion

You can draw traffic to your Instagram profile by cross-endorsing Twitter and Facebook accounts. This omnichannel approach ensures maximum reach.

#5 Endorse Products Using Hashtags

Hashtags are the best way to get around Instagram, to find and promote posts, products, and brands. You can grab the attention of new followers, use hashtags which are already popular, like #like, #love, #followforfollow, #photooftheday, #instagood, #tagsforlikes, and so on. You shouldn’t spam users with a truckload of hashtags, though. When you are selecting a new hashtag, make sure it is relevant to what you offer and unique.

#6 Make the Most of YouTube

When you post short videos of your accessories on Instagram, you can direct followers to your YouTube channel for a more detailed look at them.

Conclusion: Good Social Etiquette

Engage with your followers, and always follow them back. They are a valuable resource and maintaining a long-term relationship with them is definitely beneficial.

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Essential Things to Remember before Hiring an App Developing Company https://www.techwebspace.com/essential-things-remember-hiring-app-developing-company/ Sun, 12 Nov 2017 01:52:43 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=3006 Do you have your own business? In that case, you definitely want to do everything possible to gain maximum success. And, when you are living in an era of technological advancement, you have to increase your trade online. People have smartphones in...

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Do you have your own business? In that case, you definitely want to do everything possible to gain maximum success. And, when you are living in an era of technological advancement, you have to increase your trade online. People have smartphones in their hand, so reaching the maximum number of people is now easy with mobile apps. But, you can’t do it alone. You need to consult the best app developers around your location to reach more people.

There are several companies that can assure you to provide the best service and develop effective apps for your business. How to know which company is the most suitable one? Here, you will get a few tips that will help you to pick the most suitable one.

  1. Experience Matters

No matter what you do, the only thing that talks is the experience. So, when you are looking for mobile app Development Company in Mumbai, Kolkata or elsewhere, you should look for a company that has several years of experience. The developers must have enough confidence to perform their task the best in the industry. After all, you are paying your money, so you deserve the best service.

  1. Look for a Company that has Several Resources

This is another key factor while looking for the best app developers around you. A well-resourced app development company is always welcome, as they have skilled performers who know the best use of the latest software and other necessary components.

  1. Know about their Past Record

While you are looking for experienced app development companies in Mumbai, you should check out their past records and also users’ review for that company. You should remember that your work is really special to you and you want the best of the industry who can fulfill your needs. Try to get a reference from outside, ask the developer about his past experience and then invest in it.

  1. Don’t Get Stuck in One Place

According to experts, you shouldn’t adhere yourself within a territory. That means, if you are looking for app developers only around you, it will be a great mistake. There shouldn’t be any geographical barrier. It doesn’t matter where the office is located; rather you should only concentrate on the services you get. The offshore companies are efficient and productive when they are aiming to complete a project.

  1. Make a Long-term Relationship

Developing app is not a short-term method. This is a long process. The app developers need to develop an app and then upgrade them from time-to-time. So, you should go for the companies that can provide you with long-term service with enough reliability.

  1. Application must Run on Multiple Platforms

You don’t know which smartphone your customers use. Therefore, your app should be apt to run on multiple platforms. Ask your app developer to build apps which can run on Android, Windows and iOS platform. Make contact with those companies that can assure you to build apps that can run on all platforms.

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The basic steps to planning the web design and incorporating social media marketing https://www.techwebspace.com/basic-steps-planning-web-design-incorporating-social-media-marketing/ Fri, 10 Nov 2017 05:34:02 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=2969 When it comes to managing the marketing needs, the digital means are the greatest choice that you have for ensuring that your marketing needs are satisfactorily managed. The web designs are done such that the social media links can be included in...

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When it comes to managing the marketing needs, the digital means are the greatest choice that you have for ensuring that your marketing needs are satisfactorily managed. The web designs are done such that the social media links can be included in it and this way you can ensure that your business website gets more traffic from across the social pages that you have.

There are various ways in which you can employ social media and SEO management works for your business promotion and make the most out of the solutions that you have. Here we are going to guide you about the basic things you must take in a note in order to plan your social media marketing and ensure that your business is able to reach as many people as possible.

Media marketing features and aspects

When it comes to social media marketing, there are different features and aspects which you must take note. The tips we are providing here can help you regarding the marketing needs which you have. The publicity of the company would work only when you are steady about the methods which you are using for your marketing needs. The suggestions here are fundamental but effective, and you can easily do them on your own. A number of businessmen rely on the digital means of managing their business, and the website is the basic thing when it comes to online marketing. Syncing the website with the social media pages is a great way to ensure that you have enough exposure to the right audiences.

The plug-in

There are several types of website designs and depending on the platform which you are using for hosting the website; you would have access to different plug-ins to enhance your web experiences. There are plug-ins for syncing your social media pages with the website as well. You can add the buttons to the social media page that you have. When your visitors click on any of these buttons they are redirected to the social page they have clicked on. They can check all your latest posts on your social media and follow the page for getting updates in the later days. This way they can keep tab of the latest activities associated with the social media account and keep track of the latest launches as well.

The templates

It is very important that you choose the website design templates properly. Depending on the type of company for which you are creating the business website the template should be chosen. A website for apparels, interior décor, and cosmetics are more image oriented, and hence the website template should be chosen accordingly. The templates are equipped with their features, and some are very SEO friendly while others are not. These are some of the factors which you must take note of when you are choosing the template.

If you do not choose the right template, then you would not be able to boost your website as much, and that would, in turn, hamper your online business as well. The hosting platform must be chosen equally carefully, and the rates and everything should be checked so that you get the best deals which are perfect value for the money that you pay for it. A number of website designs are professionally done to ensure that the company gets maximum exposure possible from the target audience and as a result get decent profit and business deals as well.

Instagram page

Accessed by 6 million people across the world every month actively, the Instagram is an excellent choice for your online promotional works. The number of followers, the likes and comment altogether give a statistics about the website you own. The free Instagram likes without any spam are essential to determine the overall success of the business. There are a number of people who can opt for the various apps associated with keeping track of the Instagram marketing alone. The Instagram is a very potential platform that you can opt for which is why a number of brands and business are opting for it.

You can simply start your own business page by registering for the Instagram account. It is important that the hashtags and the captions are thoughtfully added so that they are related and appropriate. The images should be of high quality, and the hashtags should be rightly used. Like and comment on the images your followers share and on prospective clients’ accounts to get more exposure. With the help of right tricks, you can ensure that your account on Instagram gets more followers which in turn would ensure your business website have more exposure. Do remember to add the website link to your bio on the Instagram page so that people can easily revert back to the website as per their need.

Essentials of website prosperity

There are different types of promotional work which are essential for the prosperity of the website and the business for which it is designed. The digital means are easier for reaching out to a larger audience, and hence a number of small and large brands and business opt for them. The social media plays a vital role in ensuring that you get more and more exposure and hence it is used by many people for their promotional needs. There are several basic ways in which you can effectively use the social media to your advantage. If you are new to the social media platform and wish to find out the best solution for your promotional needs, then these tips can be followed. It can be concluded that the social media platform is the easiest and basic choice for promotional work for online business.

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Is There a Connection between Instagram and Web Design? https://www.techwebspace.com/connection-instagram-web-design/ Sun, 05 Nov 2017 12:54:01 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=2870 It is not something new that the worldwide development of web has made every aspect of life entirely digital. Living a digital life has its pros and cons, however; keeping the cons aside one of the advantageous facts of using the social...

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It is not something new that the worldwide development of web has made every aspect of life entirely digital. Living a digital life has its pros and cons, however; keeping the cons aside one of the advantageous facts of using the social media platforms is that it is often helpful for the successful promotion of business. The social platform of Instagram has proved to be the booming platform that ties up mobile and social networking efforts together to form a successful potpourri of success and integrity. There are a number of companies in different fields which promote themselves intensely through Instagram, and the web designing sector is no exception to that

There are many famous web design businesses and even individual web designers who take all the opportunities available to make the particular web content prominent enough to promote their websites. Even the best of the designers are levering Instagram and making it the key operating base to expand their business, and they use user-generated contents that later on become a brand and results in expansion of their business.

Instagram – The photo-sharing platform

When Instagram initially emerged, it was used for sharing personal pictures, and the trend of following people was initiated back in the year in which the social platform was invented. However, then gradually the with mobile phones becoming handy and commonly used by people, the number of Instagram users increased considerably, this was the actual factor that influenced people of all business background including the web designing companies to showcase their work and products influencing a change in the lifestyle for people all around the world.

How social media and mobile complement one another?

Social media and mobile complement one another and increasingly being known as a top priority for brands. With the combination of these two into the web efforts, brands can reach their Instagram content. In fact, some brands encourage the buyers to share their product experience on the Instagram account of the brands just to grab the attention of potential customers. A call-to-action is given which contains the link to the content that is shared on Instagram or Twitter by the users. That helps in grabbing the attention of the new buyers and also pushes the annual sales figure. Just like Facebook and Twitter, Instagram is equally powerful. It is essential to understand how to make use of this Instagram power to drive your sales and promote your brand.

As per the studies, it has been found that around 98% Instagram images of various brands are shared on Facebook where they get shares, likes, and comments. So that driving the viral reach deeper into the communities of the fan.

Visual storytelling

Consumers have always been inclined to be engaged and attracted with photos shared via Instagram more than any product photo given by any adviser because consumers trust friends and family more than any advertisers. Many web designing sites click mobile picture make the customers enthusiastic and hype about themselves with the other customer feedbacks. This act is most needed for creating hype in this field. There are individual Instagram based web designers, and also some of them are eminent enough to be known worldwide. All of them claim that they have been immensely profited regarding their promotion and customer attraction. Some of them have many Instagram followers that are no less than any celebrity.

Promote your brand with user experience

Nowadays, only just advertising the brand is no longer the perfect way of promoting the products or services. When you combine the user experience related to your goods or service, then the products are getting advertised automatically. At the same time, you can give a much better and clear picture of your brand as well. It enables you to showcase the lifestyle revolving your brand.

Mobile and Instagram popularity

Mobile is known for being a go-to platform for users to share as well as upload content that provides the marketers with the required opportunity for connecting with the consumers. Instagram was initially known to be a photo-sharing platform for viewing pictures from family members and friends. Moreover, it was not until that this platform attracted a huge customer base and became the favorite platform for the marketers. It is essential for marketers to keep a watch on the behavior of the users on the Instagram platform so that it can become a natural platform to interact with them. Having a huge pool of Instagram followers can help to promote your brand quickly and easily.

Brands can get to develop the content and emotions that visitors are sharing and incorporate the same into the digital marketing efforts. Social media and mobile continue to grow equally. Well, the website remains the king and reaches the users digitally. Smart brands always try to weave the Instagram content directly into the sites. It gives the same engagement which social media can usually trigger. To make the maximum benefit of using Instagram service in web designing you need to understand the tricks and tips tactfully. Simply just pushing the products with the Instagram profile will not work and every brand needs to know this.

When a picture is posted on a website, visitors can hover their mouse over the same to see how many people have liked it on Instagram. It can be said that when brands place the Instagram contents directly on websites, it is simply a perfect combination of the web and mobile efforts. The best part is that brands can pull the mobile pictures into the sites to develop hype around a particular event.

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The Best Tips to Increase the Number of Instagram Followers https://www.techwebspace.com/best-tips-increase-number-instagram-followers/ Wed, 01 Nov 2017 09:03:56 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=2796 To succeed in driving more traffic to your Instagram account, you must comply with two basic requirements. Assuming that you are well aware of the target audience, you must know the best ways of connecting with them as you do with real...

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To succeed in driving more traffic to your Instagram account, you must comply with two basic requirements. Assuming that you are well aware of the target audience, you must know the best ways of connecting with them as you do with real people. Secondly, for increasing the number of followers in a meaningful way, you must create powerful content that can give business results.

Avoid the lure of increasing followers artificially because unless these are real followers who take an interest in your business, you can never expect the desired results for the company. The fundamental purpose of using Instagram for business would then be defeated. The secret of succeeding with Instagram is to keep a constant vigil on the account so that you can avail every opportunity of growing followers that comes your way.  Entrusting companies like Gramista for managing your Instagram account professionally, in an efficient way of doing it.

To know the steps that you must take to set up a strong social media campaign on Instagram, keep reading this article

#1 Create an Instagram strategy

To make good use of the resources at your disposal and to ensure that you get the right return on investment you must have a strategy for the Instagram campaign. Align the strategies with the business goals that you want to achieve so that you can identify and attract the people who would be interested in your business. To gain some knowledge about creating Instagram strategies, follow your competitors closely that would help you to realize what the realistic followers would look like. You would also learn about what type of content to create in your business niche and the frequency of publishing content that the audience would like. How others are engaging with the audience will be clear to you, and you will gather knowledge about the all-important hashtags related to your industry and the brand in particular. By studying branded hashtags, you can build your own model.


#2 Decide on the story

To make full use of the visual channel, you must have an appropriate story in a place that can use the visual features to narrate a compelling story to viewers in a very consistent manner.  When the narrative is compelling and coherent, it gives a purpose to the content and would instantly encourage engagement with the existing followers that form the community. Good content will spread through sharing, and new people would be attracted to it that could turn into followers.

The story can highlight anything from making the product to humanizing the brand by talking about it from an employee perspective.  You can even think about something aspiring by highlighting what your customers have achieved or by focusing on their lifestyle. You can depict the brand story from different perspectives but do not forget to link consistently between the visual looks, brand personality and story. The most important consideration is that the posts must be easily relatable to the brand and quickly recognized. You can choose to have different stories for aligning all your content elements so that each becomes an individual story.


 #3 Set your goals

Before setting your Instagram goals, you must have the business goals decided because the former must align towards the latter.  The Instagram goals must emanate from the marketing goals related to brand awareness, driving more traffic or playing a role in supporting the aims of some other bigger marketing campaign. With all goals properly aligned, you would not only increase the number of followers but would develop followers who mean business and add value to it.  Regardless of the business goals, the key Instagram goal is to create visually compelling content that attracts viewers. Use high-quality images that move audiences and evoke a favorable response so that they know what to expect from you.

#4 Ensure high visibility

Assuming that you already have other social media accounts like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, the easiest way to attract traffic to your Instagram account is to inform existing fans about the new account. You can mention your Instagram account and to encourage them to check it out you can provide some incentive.  Another way is to highlight some of your Instagram posts on other social media channels. To ensure that more followers visit your Instagram account you can consider paid advertisements to boost the posts.

#5 Create links to hashtags or Instagram account from other communication

You must be using a various form of communication for a business that includes e-mails, newsletters, your website and much more offline communications too. Your task is to drive all people you are already in touch with to your Instagram account by embedding links to those communications that tell them about your Instagram account and encourages them to see it. Conversely, you can use some Instagram content on your blog posts so that it increases the possibility of people viewing the blog first to visit your Instagram account. Use the same tactics of informing people about your Instagram presence through offline communications like signage, product packaging, and business cards so that they can easily find you and tag on the social media.

follow us on instagram

#6 Be found by hashtags “#”

Use hashtags relevant to your business niche because it is an invitation for new people to discover you on Instagram who would be interested in the product or service you offer. Create your own hashtags after studying the trend of popular hashtags in your niche. You can use the Instagram search function to locate popular hashtags. The hashtags must motivate users to share photos related to your brand. Do not use too many hashtags as it can distract the audience and avoid gimmicks in creating hashtags.

Make sure that you post the content at least once daily, although there is no defined upper limit for it. However, doing it daily has shown that the rate of growth of followers is four times more than what you get by doing it once a week. Another important aspect is to choose the right time of posting that allows users to interact with you that draws the attention of other followers, enhances exposure, and drives more traffic.


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