Ravi Makhija, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Thu, 08 Dec 2022 15:32:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Ravi Makhija, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Is Flutter Good for iOS App Development? https://www.techwebspace.com/is-flutter-good-for-ios-app-development/ Mon, 07 Feb 2022 07:27:41 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=56007 The lion’s share of the mobile operating system in the US is held by the iOS platform (which is approximately 57%). Therefore, if you want to make an impact in this market, you must invest in designing and developing iOS mobile apps...

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The lion’s share of the mobile operating system in the US is held by the iOS platform (which is approximately 57%). Therefore, if you want to make an impact in this market, you must invest in designing and developing iOS mobile apps for your business.

When you plan to create an iOS app, then you should first have knowledge about the iOS app development trends. You can choose from the different programs that are available in the market. Among these, Flutter has created a big place for itself amongst the app developer community due to the advantages it offers.

What is Flutter?

It is an open-source UI SDK that is created by Google to help app developers to design and build cross-platform mobile applications. It uses a highly dynamic Dart language that allows you to create apps for both Android and iOS having a single Codebase.

In this article, we will share with you some points which will convince you regarding why you should use Flutter for iOS app development.

Advantages of Flutter for creating iOS apps

Here is a list of reasons due to which you should use Flutter when you develop an iOS app for your business:

This open-source and free

Flutter has created opportunities to try out new marketing approaches. It is an open-source and completely free program that can be used by any iOS app developer. As it is open-source, it is completely open to the app development community. Google, which has created it, offers the users multiple support options, which makes open collaboration a great foundation for future advancements.

Dart programming language

One of the USPs of Flutter is the use of the Dart programming language. Earlier, the app developer had to use Swift or Objective-C to build iOS apps. The new in-house programming language Dart created by Google offers amazing functionality and performance, which allows it to compile to the native iOS code.

This programming language uses a superior structure that allows the code to run on the device in the Dart context. It removes the requirement for communication with the native modules. This programming language is very popular amongst the developers as it offers them greater accessibility and is also very simple to use.

The engine of this programming language structure is so designed that it meets all the requirements of providing almost native iOS performance without using other approaches. Furthermore, Flutter offers detailed and clear guidance for documentation.

Continuous integration and delivery

Earlier, Apple used to offer Xcode servers to create native iOS apps. The app developers used to integrate Jenkins and Fastlane along with other CI/CD systems. Flutter, on the other hand, provides you with Codemagic CI/CD approach. This approach is created by Nevercode to remove the need for configuration. The new Codemagic immediately outlines, develops, tests, and packages the mobile app.

Hot reload

If you are a mobile app developer for the iOS platform (or any other platform) you might feel irritated when you have to wait during the coding process. This wait is due to the changes you need to make, recompiling the codes, deploying it to the device, and then bringing it back to that specific point at which you had made the change.

When you are using Flutter, then you can make use of the hot reload option, which modifies the development process and gives you the ability to manage changes very quickly. This tool helps in increasing productivity significantly as the time you need for any change has decreased sharply. 

The iOS app developers can leverage this option in their idea implementation process or during collaboration. Furthermore, the iOS app developers can also make use of its Dependency Management System and not rely on any third-party tools.

Impressive designs

Creating UI is an important and long-drawn-out vision making process, which can be simplified with the help of solutions that are already created. While Apple supports UIKit to develop fast and powerful interfaces, Flutter in iOS app development follows a different approach, wherein it uses widgets instead of the UIView classes. 

As the widgets are lightweight and immutable, they are applied for creating complex UIs. The Flutter app development helps in design system guidance through its Material components library which is very flexible. Furthermore, you can also leverage the Cupertino widgets for Flutter in iOS app development.

As there is a huge open collection of widgets available, it allows the Flutter app developers with greater flexibility in enabling interactive, structural, and visual implementation. All these widgets are categorized and can be accessed on the official website along with a simple and easy-to-understand guide for the Flutter app developer.

Testing the apps

The testing process of mobile apps created to Flutter is quite simple. Google has provided a Flutter driver through which you can test the apps that you have created as well as get comprehensive documentation on them. When you test a mobile app, then it includes the unit, widgets, UI, and various functional levels.

The testing also allows you to check various processes and then run them on multiple devices like emulators, real devices as well as simulators.

Single threading for JavaScript

The Dart programming language allows you to use JavaScript single-threaded solution through which you can process sequential tasks by await/async as well as asynchronous tasks. The developer can use the threadlike solution that allows them to isolate complicated tasks so that they deal with them comprehensively.

Lastly, Flutter does not need to run the code you have written on a certain platform only, the code can be run directly on the device using the Dart context. Your app development team does not have to depend on the iOS APIs to create native applications.

As you are interested in direct interaction, you have the flexibility to use ready options for utilizing the plugins. These are accessible through the Dependency Management System also called Hub. The Hub allows you to execute multiple tasks that are connected with network requests, navigation, usage of the third-party platform SDKs, or API interactions.

Making prototypes has become easy

The Material design Flutter offers makes it easier to create prototypes. Flutter has specific widgets for the majority of its Material elements. The widget is one of the basic components through which you can build UI in Flutter.

The prototype you can create is very easy to use and also stand to standards as per the industry practices.


The points that we have shared with you in this article should convince you about why Flutter is the best option for creating iOS apps. You should hire the top flutter app development company to build the best iOS apps. It is a relatively new market player and has gained huge popularity as it is less error-prone and is competitively platform agnostic. Furthermore, it is very fast and easy to work with.

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How to Choose the Right Web Application Framework? https://www.techwebspace.com/how-to-choose-the-right-web-application-framework/ Wed, 15 Dec 2021 06:35:16 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=54857 If you are planning to develop a web app, then the first thing you should decide is the right web application framework. As an entrepreneur, you should quickly launch your web application before your competitors to make an impact in the market....

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If you are planning to develop a web app, then the first thing you should decide is the right web application framework.

As an entrepreneur, you should quickly launch your web application before your competitors to make an impact in the market.

However, developing a web application from scratch is not easy and the developer has to write lengthy codes, some of them are even repeating in nature.

To solve this, you need a robust framework that will ensure that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel by writing repeating codes. Rather you should spend your time and creative energy in developing exciting new features.

So let us dive in and understand how to find out how to choose the right web development framework that would be perfect for your needs. 

10 Steps for Selecting the Right Web Application Framework

We have tried to provide you with comprehensive and easy-to-follow steps through which you can identify which web development framework is ideal.

So let’s get started! 


You should also find out about the licensing requirement of the framework.

Certain frameworks have a very restrictive licensing rule.

You hardly want to build a web application and then find it difficult to exploit it commercially due to the restrictions imposed by the framework license.

You should also look very carefully at the licensing of any plug-ins or extensions that you use with the framework.

Software pattern of the framework

Different frameworks use different software patterns like the MVC (Model View Controller), MVP (Model View Presenter), MVA (Model View Adapter), and AVC (Application View Controller).

You should select a framework, which has a software pattern that allows you to write better codes for a highly functional web application. 


The hosting requirements of different frameworks may differ greatly.

While some frameworks can function smoothly even on shared hosting, others require non-traditional hosting setups. 

How easy to install

Another important thing that you should keep in mind when selecting a framework is how easy it is to install in your system.

Any framework that is easy to set up and is faster to deploy is always preferable, as you want your framework to be working as soon as possible.

How easy to learn

You must choose a framework that offers a very flexible workflow and has the shortest possible learning curve.

Make sure that when you select a framework, you should know the language in which it is written.

Otherwise, you have to first learn the language and then start developing a web application that can take a longer time.

Framework Library

You should select a framework that has a robust and extensive library that not only allows you to control some of its features but also ensures that you don’t have to write repetitive codes.

While talking about the library of a framework, different developers have different needs.

For example, some developers want to work with a framework that offers the bare essentials, whereas others want to work on a framework that offers a large number of features.

Therefore, figure out which one you need and select accordingly.

DB Abstraction and ORM

You should choose a framework that gives you the flexibility to change the database later if such a need arises.

Furthermore, you should also look at the Object Relational Mapping (ORM) that allows the developer to show data as an object and how it relates to other objects. 

JS Library

If the framework you have chosen comes with a JavaScript library, then it is a great plus point for that framework.

Many frameworks also allow you to swap out the JavaScript library without any issue.


You should select a framework that lets you write unit tests, which will allow you to find out the overall functioning of the critical parts of your application.

This is very important as you can quickly find and fix any performance issue that is flagged while testing. 


You should do proper research about which framework allows you to do thorough documentation.

Then select one that gives you the ability for a comprehensive documentation process. 

Online Community

You must select a framework that has a huge online community of other programmers.

This is important because in case you come across some difficulties while developing a web application, then you can seek their help or suggestions to overcome the challenge.

Additionally, you will find that any framework that is used by a huge number of developers has a more robust design and minimum bugs.

As thousands of developers are using the framework every day, if they find any issue, then it is flagged and then solved in a very short period.


If you follow all the steps that we have shared with you in this article, then you would find it very helpful in choosing the right web app development framework. 

We have tried to tick all the boxes of what the web app development framework should offer that includes a smooth designing process and an easier way to find and fix any bugs and offer updates for the web application.

After choosing the right framework for your next web app project, the next step is to hire the right development company. 

Here, it is recommended to approach the best web application development company because they will help you in choosing the best web app framework for your project and then provide you with a highly scalable & reliable solution as per your requirements.

The post How to Choose the Right Web Application Framework? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

How to Avoid Slow eCommerce App Development Procedure? https://www.techwebspace.com/how-to-avoid-slow-ecommerce-app-development-procedure/ Thu, 14 Oct 2021 06:37:11 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=52919 The eCommerce app development speed is a big problem when you don’t want to compromise on quality. Mobile handsets are no longer just a means of communication.  With the increasing use of the internet, mobiles have now evolved into a major means...

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The eCommerce app development speed is a big problem when you don’t want to compromise on quality. Mobile handsets are no longer just a means of communication. 

With the increasing use of the internet, mobiles have now evolved into a major means of extending business and for many, the best way is to go global. 

It is an effective means of marketing and showcasing that is sure to reach out to the target audience, imperative to your business as it can influence the growth of your business to a greater extent.

In this competitive market, the slightest delay in any of the business strategies can cost a lot including customer preference and loyalty.

We have compiled some of the major points that you can follow to accelerate the speed of the mobile eCommerce app development for your business progresses. 

Work with the below seven excellent ways to speed your eCommerce development without compromising on the quality of code, or the performance of your app.

Plan for a better UI?

Irrespective of whether you intend to develop the mobile app using your in-house team or hire a mobile development firm, the very first step is to get the wireframes done. 

With the help of the wireframes, you can get the entire team to understand the main objective of the app and how and what needs to be implemented to reach the goal. 

The use of a low-fidelity wireframe helps the programmers to plan the user interface much better.

Minimize the effects of delay?

Development of the final app may turn out to be very different from what you had started and thought of due to the influence of user opinion and the existence of newer technology or the limitation of the technology. 

The development of the final app may take time. Hence it is very important that you get an MVP or a Minimum Viable Product launched into the market as soon as possible to establish your presence and develop a customer hold. 

This is will help minimize the effect of any delay in the development process and also will help to incorporate the changes as per the market needs.

Try achieving short term goals

Opting for a proven methodology like Agile methodology is best when developing a high-quality mobile app. 

Agile methodology allows constant interaction between the customer and the developing team ensuring transparency and flexibility throughout the process of development and its maintenance. 

The agile methodology also helps in laying out and segregating the different tasks across the development process, its launch, and its maintenance. The agile methodology and sprint delivery ensure a non-delay of the development process.

Get the codes simplified

With the introduction of code-bots, the coding process has been simplified to a great extent. Although the entire process of mobile app development cannot be done by the use of code bots it can, however, help in reducing the time required in coding by about 90%.

Check with the development procedure 

Opting for a hybrid mobile app development procedure is better as it can optimize the app for both iOS and Android applications. 

It allows the development and also launches of the app across multiple platforms in a shorter length of time. The eCommerce app development procedure used should be the standard one.

You need to do a round of testing

Automated testing is a great way to shorten the development cycle for a mobile app. With automated testing, it is possible to run a series of tests to verify the effectiveness of the codes that have been developed without having to wait hours for manual testing. 

This will help you avoid the slow developmental procedures as you will understand where your loopholes are.

Get a clear understanding of the agreement 

In case you are hiring an external team to develop the mobile app then it is important that you understand the strengths and limitations of the firm and then decide on them. 

Once you have hired a team, make sure that you have discussed the aim of the app that you want to develop and the various interface that you want to offer to the customers

A proper understanding between you and the development team will help to reduce the occurrence of any errors that may need corrections and thus avoid the delay of launching the mobile application.

With the advent of artificial intelligence and the use of chatbots, the customer experience in mobile apps has increased manifold. 

Having a mobile app means, you can showcase your products and services in the best possible way and monitor customer trends to enhance product quality. 

With the use of the latest technologies like Geofencing, Google Analytics, and push notifications mobile apps are now able to give a personalized experience to the customers. 

This is the right time for a mobile eCommerce app development for your business to take your business to the next level. 

With the above-mentioned helpful points, you can restrict the slow eCommerce app development process.

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10 Core UX Principles to Keep Users Hooked https://www.techwebspace.com/10-core-ux-principles-to-keep-users-hooked/ Fri, 22 Jan 2021 08:03:51 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=41595 Businesses make relevant changes in their website or app design based on the perception of their customers. As these changes are made in response to customer’s opinion, it has a huge impact on improving the conversion. Therefore, if you want to improve...

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Businesses make relevant changes in their website or app design based on the perception of their customers.

As these changes are made in response to customer’s opinion, it has a huge impact on improving the conversion.

Therefore, if you want to improve the conversion rate of your website or app, then you need to stay informed about the latest UX trends.

To help you in this regard we have listed 10 core UX design principles to get the attention of the user and improve engagement of website or app.

Top UX Design Tips You Need to Know 

A UX design is the most important part of a website or an app. The UX design aims to ensure that it is in tune with the needs of the user.

Therefore, you need to keep in mind the best web design tips to create a great website and make it successful. Similarly, for an app, you need to follow the best app design tips.

As of now, we will walk you through some of the core UX design principles. By following these principles, you can keep your users hooked to your website or mobile application.


This suggestion looks like a no-brainer, yet you will be surprised to see how many designers have inadvertently let their likes and dislikes slip into their work.

For example, you may like a particular color very much and use it in your design work.

However, every color represents something and if what you have chosen does not go well with the theme of the website, then the users would not find it attractive.

Therefore, the UX designer should find out the preferences of the end-users and design the UX of the website or mobile app accordingly.

You should be consistent

A good UX should offer a consistent design flow in user interactions.

These include the landing pages or any other contact point through which people connect to your website or mobile app.

If you use different fonts, colors, and others, it creates a hindrance in the free-flowing visual hierarchy of your website or mobile app.

A consistent UX ensures ease of navigation in your site, builds trust in your brand, and help the user remember your brand.

Short and easy sentences

If you need to put in a lot of information on your website, then you should break it down into smaller sentences so that the user’s interest does not wane.

You should use easy words so that even those who are not from technical backgrounds can understand what you want to convey comprehensively.

Focus on the visual grammar

Whatever is visually created in the UX, including the interface elements, and their arrangement in the screen, three important elements are used; planes, points, and lines.

These are the core building block of all designs.

Once you understand how to use these three crucial elements of visual grammar, you would be able to remove any complexity.

This will make navigation easy, leading to an improved user experience.

Business objectives

While the UX should be designed with a user-centric approach, you should also keep in mind the business objectives of the website or the mobile app.

The UX should be relevant to the business it is promoting.

Therefore, the objective of a UX designer is to create a design with a well-defined business goal that is presented in a way to attract the attention of the user and improve engagement.


Accessibility is an important criterion for the success of any UX design.

The design should be easy to use.

For example, if you place the labels above a form field, it would make it easier for a visually impaired person to read them more easily.

Additionally, having a high contrast between the background and the text also aids in improving readability.

Give control to the user

There should be shortcuts in your web app design that would help the user to rectify their mistake.

For this, you can provide the “back” button or a “cancel” button.

These buttons will help the user to undo any accidental or undesired action with a single click.

Latest technology

The design you are creating would be successful only if it is aided by the latest technology.

Creating a beautiful UX for the web or mobile app, and then being told that it is not feasible can be a frustrating experience for the UX designers.

Therefore, before you design something amazing and unique, you must check whether it can be implemented with the current technology.


If the user has taken any action on the website after pushing a button, there should be a bar that would inform them of the progress of their action.

Once the progress is completed, there should be a message that the action taken by the user is completed.

This will ensure the users know how much time is needed to complete the action and are satisfied when the option is completed.

Reevaluate and redesign the UX

The work of a UX designer is never completed.

You must continuously evaluate what you have planned to achieve through your UX and what is the outcome.

Are there any flaws in the UX that are affecting the user experience and how the users are interacting with the design?

Even if everything is going on fine, you must continuously keep checking how to take advantage of new UX ideas and emerging technologies to create an even better UX.


If you follow these 10 core principles while designing your website or app, you take user experience of your website or app to the next level.

This, in turn, will help you to engage more effectively with them and improve your conversion rate significantly.

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Planning to Build dating App? This News Will Make Your Day https://www.techwebspace.com/planning-to-build-dating-app-this-news-will-make-your-day/ Wed, 29 May 2019 11:47:13 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=23292 We exist in an era where our communal lives are getting dependent on technology. The internet now connects citizens who have a lack of time and active pace of life. There are applications for almost all your needs, be it an app...

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We exist in an era where our communal lives are getting dependent on technology. The internet now connects citizens who have a lack of time and active pace of life. There are applications for almost all your needs, be it an app for your health care, an app for medicine, finding suitable jobs, haunting for homes, food apps and many more. People are more glued to the internet than meeting up socially. And nowadays people even use the internet to search for love. Yes, dating app development is a much-hyped business in the market.

No wonder why people are keen to make a dating app. Are you also looking for your perfect soul mate or partner? Are you exploring the best app to find the best one? Well, online dating sites and apps are helping the public find their soul mates or even a colleague for short term relations. Online dating apps have associated numerous public which have made it a popular place, especially amid the millennial. There are many adults also searching for a love or life partner through these applications.

developing dating Apps

But before we proceed on how to build a dating app, here is what the actual situation is on the dating markets.  This news is sure to make your day to plan it out perfectly.

  • Online dating statistics prove that 20% of current, steadfast relationships started online, and 13% of couples got married after they met on a dating website. Around 54% of online daters in the US say relationships that come from dating online are as successful as ones that begin in person. You will be shocked to know that almost 19% of US adults rely on these dating apps when searching for a life partner. Yes, you heard it right.
  • Another news for you is that mobile dating applications are increasing and have become extremely popular among the elders. Almost 19% of people who are between the ages of 55 to 64 are found to be active members of these dating apps, along with 13% of people over 64. Hard to believe? But that’s how it is. So, you don’t need to worry, as you are on the right track in planning to build a dating app.

To augment your likelihood of finding a colleague, you might fancy downloading more than one app. However, if you are going to begin with just one, think about which app might be a magnet for the people you’re most interested in dating. Do you still plan to build a dating app? So, here we are to help you with little steps for your route.

1.  Select the finest layout which you like to build the app

2.  Append features like a chat, video call, social media for a better user experience

3.  Advertise your dating app on app stores

Building the ideal dating app is not so difficult any longer. You can now make your own dating app by using the tinder duplicate mobile dating app from Play store or get an absolutely new concept done by professionals.

You can manufacture a dating empire for your mobile on you possess with this tinder clone. Your app can be intended to provide a unique experience where your constituent users can meet just the kind of individual they want to. However, tinder is not the one dating app that’s popular. Applications like Hinge, OkCupid, Coffee Meets Bagel are only a few of the popular ones.

These applications have set up their secured positions in the market with over $20 million dollars. This signifies that Tinder is not the only successful dating app. There are applications in the market which have their dominance over the masses. So, not to worry and start your dating app development.

Build dating Apps

So, what would you need to make your dating app, the most popular one? Here is what is a must:

1.  Facebook integration: Social media is the new hype. Facebook integration is a must so as to know the basic profile and understanding of the person.

2.  Easy login: Login has to be easy as people will not like to waste their time on a very secure and complicated login user interface.

3.  Search based on location: while searching for the like-minded partner, most of the people would perfect the search on the same location so that they can meet and proceed further.

4.  Search based on common interest: While making a dating app, you should remember to add a search filter based on common interest. As many of the people prefer their life partner to be like-minded with common interests.

5.  Messenger to chat and exchange words: This is of utmost importance as the initial discussions would be in the dating app itself. And in due course of time, the exchange of words can be decided personally.

6.  Push notifications: Push notifications are the best alternative to the websites. They encourage user retention and hence is an absolutely necessary feature when you start your dating app development.  The main function of these push messages is to notify the users when a new match for them is found.

So, to conclude, with such information on online dating apps, you can very well understand that you cannot make mistakes while making a dating app. With tough competitions and also in the increase in the demand in the market, your app developers should be able to make it superbly convenient for users to interact. And that is the sole reason why you need to hire professional dating app developers so that they understand your requirements and add the flavors to your app with their skillful experience.

The post Planning to Build dating App? This News Will Make Your Day appeared first on Tech Web Space.
