Swarnendu De, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Wed, 13 Nov 2019 05:49:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Swarnendu De, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Upgrade Product Design With These 5 Vital Customer Feedback Guidelines https://www.techwebspace.com/upgrade-product-design-with-these-5-vital-customer-feedback-guidelines/ Wed, 13 Nov 2019 05:47:12 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=29246 Being a part of the entire product development process, consumers now expect more while they make a purchase. By now, businesses have realized that responding to customer’s queries and grievances have actually become necessary to be on the top. Upgrading their product...

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Being a part of the entire product development process, consumers now expect more while they make a purchase. By now, businesses have realized that responding to customer’s queries and grievances have actually become necessary to be on the top. Upgrading their product design is what smart entrepreneurs are choosing nowadays. 

Focusing on customer-centric design has become an integral part of the product development process. It ensures that you are getting good feedback from your customers. Smarter companies now ask the customers for providing reviews of their products and services.

What’s Your Benefit In Gathering Customer Feedback?

Customer feedback is even more powerful than proper marketing. Yeah! Your loyal customers could turn out to be the best advocates for your brand, although there are numerous ways of managing reviews

However, if you never ask for customer feedback, you will never understand what actually drives customer satisfaction. If you do not know what would satisfy your customer, then you can never build customer loyalty. 

Hard to believe? 

Well, let me disclose some of the facts:

  1. It costs more money to acquire a new customer than to keep existing ones happy.
  2. One of the most common sources of new leads is referrals.
  3. Highly-engaged customers buy 90% more often.

Customer Feedback Guidelines That You Ought To Follow 

Your returning or loyal customers are the only people who can help your business grow, now let’s see how you can upgrade product design through these customer feedback guidelines.

1. Set The Stage

Before directly jumping to the feedback session, you must first set the stage. Here’s what you need to do:

First, provide your customers with advanced notice and share your work with them. This will ensure that they have enough time to think about your product design. Next, if you have a prototype ready then let them experience the real design of your product.

Also, before you begin with anything else, research more on your target audience. See what’s the overall goal of your product design? If it’s capable of solving any problem? Only after you have found answers to these questions, start asking for feedback.

2. Ask Questions Constantly

Ask specific and open-ended questions to your customers. 

Do not ask if they are liking the product design or not as this appears too common and vague. Instead, you can ask them if they have understood the purpose of the product design. The customer would either reply yes or no. In this way, you can always ask clear questions and get meaningful answers in return.

One of the most important things that you need to keep in mind is that you need to get into the core of the issue. Remember, the feedback session should be a kind of discussion and not just a mere interview session. 

3. Stay Problem-Focussed

Keep your discussion on track by keeping the customers glued to the problem. If they veer away from the problem, bring them back to the goal. For instance, your customers can be too direct and subjective. 

They might say “I like this” or “I do not like this”. Bring them back to the problem by using open-ended questions. In such a situation, you need to think from the perspective of your customers. You have to realize how they would react. 

If your product is not providing a solution to the problem, then you have to think of some other ways through which it can actually work. 

4. Stay Positive

Being an entrepreneur, you must be ready to endure the feedback that you get for your products. Feedbacks that you are asking for, might be good or bad. Try accepting them graciously. 

I know how much it hurts to see negative feedback about your products, but still, you ought to be open to it. If you are not open to receiving feedback, then your customers will become hesitant to provide you feedback in the future. They are actually commenting on your product designs and in one way trying to help you to improvise your design. 

So, even if you feel insulted or embarrassed, keep a positive mindset. Remember, with negative feedback, you can hone your skills as a developer. So, feedback is actually a good opportunity for you to learn as well. 

5. Take All The Necessary Notes

You cannot analyze and act on all the feedback if you do not take notes of it. So, while you receive feedback from your customers, make sure that you are noting down all the feedback that you are getting. 

Apart from virtually taking down notes on a notepad, you can also bookmark them in other ways. Like, you can take screenshots of the InVision comments and recordings. 

Do whatever is required and then work accordingly. 

To Sum Up

Customer feedback is one of the most invaluable resources; whether you are in your beta testing stage or in your post product launch stage. Customers love to be a part of your product development process, when they see improvements made as per their feedback. 

There could not be any other way of product development than making customers a part of this intrinsic product development. A mobile app development company can guide you in the process of product design through customer feedback.

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Top 6 App Store Optimization Strategies To Boost Your App Downloads https://www.techwebspace.com/top-6-app-store-optimization-strategies-to-boost-your-app-downloads/ Tue, 17 Sep 2019 05:22:05 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=27324 With millions of apps flooding in the play store, it has become extremely essential to get into the top of the game. A simple search in the stores has the possibility of driving over 67% of app downloads, thus making the app...

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With millions of apps flooding in the play store, it has become extremely essential to get into the top of the game. A simple search in the stores has the possibility of driving over 67% of app downloads, thus making the app stores search a common method for finding and installing new apps. 

If your app store page is not properly optimized then it might fail to appear under the list of relevant searches. Most of the app developers ignore this App Store Optimization procedure, thus losing hundreds of app downloads.

This is where you need to follow the app store optimization strategies. Just a little effort and time can get your app store page updated. This will enable you to get leverage numerous advantages in the long run, by ensuring that the organic downloads are constantly coming in. 

Why Do You Need To Optimize Your App Anyway?

Before you know about the reason for utilizing the ASO strategies, let me first tell you what is app store optimization (ASO) all about. It is the optimization process of the mobile apps for achieving the topmost or higher ranks in the search results of the app stores page. This is the reason why you need to get your app store page optimized. 

This is how you maximize your chances of getting easy discoverability in the app stores. 

For boosting your app downloads, you need to follow the app store optimization checklist which the smart app marketers follow for getting their apps ranked. 

Top 7 App Store Optimization Strategies For Boosting Your App Downloads

App Store Optimization

1. First, Know Your Customers

Take a notepad and pen. Start jotting down who are your target customers, what language they speak, why would they download your app, will the features in your app solve their issue. You should have all the answers ready with you otherwise it’s of no use of targeting users. 

2. Do A Proper Competitor Analysis 

This is one of the crucial steps that you should not miss. While I talk about competitor analysis, I don’t mean that you blindly follow all their business strategies. 

Your competitors may be applying some review management tactics to be on the top. 

Go through the reviews and find out why their users are loving them and what they are actually doing to bring in more users. Do not miss out on reading the negative reviews, as it is essential to check for those areas where the users are facing problems, so that you too may not repeat the same mistake. 

3. Always Put The Keyword In The Title

Keywords not only helps you to rank better in terms of searches but helps the users in understanding more about your app. However, you need to keep in mind that Google only allows the inclusion of titles that are not more than 255 characters.

So, keeping this in mind, you need to add your title along with the keyword. You should use words that symbolize your app. For example, if you are planning to launch a mobile wallet app, then you can use words like “wallet” or any of its synonyms somewhere in your title. 

As per studies, if you include a keyword in your title, your chances of ranking maximizes. So, keep the title simple and short and try to include at least one keyword in it. 

4. Add Keywords In The Description Section

Google scans your description section to find relevancy with your app. So, make sure that you are making the best use of the 4000 character limit set by Google. 

Yes, you need to add keywords here too, just like you did for your title. Do not miss this part, as it is highly essential that you add both your primary and secondary keywords in the description box. 

However, be careful not to overstuff it with keywords, otherwise, your description would make no sense to the users. It’s better if you can input your keywords at least 5 times in the description section. 

Also, you need to be very meticulous while you draft your content. It should be interesting and informative enough to grab the user’s attention. 

5. Make Use Of Videos And Screenshots

When a user clicks on your app, of course you expect them to install it. Therefore, every detail you put into your page is important. 

I am not talking about including content, but I am rather focusing on adding video content and screenshots along with the written content. Make the best use of the screen space where Google allows you to upload images.

Most of the viewers will not scroll across all the screens, so keep your most engaging images and videos for the first two-three screens. Also, you can include a separate demo video for your users. 

6. Finally, Go For Promoting Your App

After you are done with all your optimization tasks, it’s finally time for your app promotion. Don’t worry. I am not suggesting anything that will burn a hole into your pocket, although you can invest in promoting your app; otherwise, there are several other zero-budget options where you can easily promote your app.

Social media platforms like Quora, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram are some of the zero-budget channels for app promotion. The smart app developers are now applying the vest app promotion strategies to achieve the topmost position of the search results. Also, you can make videos on YouTube. Apart from this, you can also work on app indexing.

What is app indexing all about? 

It is basically connecting your app to your social media accounts or website. App indexing helps your app to come on top of Google’s search results. This enhances the chances of your app getting downloaded.  

So, What’s Next?

With little effort and trial, you can make use of these ultimate app store optimization strategies and shoot past your competitors in your app store chart. With constantly evolving app store ranking algorithms, ASO has become highly essential. If you can manage this, then your investment in apps will definitely pay off. 

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7 Steps To A Successful Webinar App Promotion https://www.techwebspace.com/7-steps-to-a-successful-webinar-app-promotion/ Mon, 09 Sep 2019 05:04:18 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=26837 Creating a standalone app is not an easy task. You simply cannot dream of becoming the next ‘Zomato’ or ‘Temple Run’. In order to reach the top, you need to cope up with several things. For that, you also need to devise...

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Creating a standalone app is not an easy task. You simply cannot dream of becoming the next ‘Zomato’ or ‘Temple Run’. In order to reach the top, you need to cope up with several things. For that, you also need to devise the best ways of marketing your app. 

Choosing the webinar option for app promotion is the ultimate way to promote your app. Being an effective strategy for app promotion, webinars are highly utilized by smart entrepreneurs for marketing their products and services. Here, you need to catch the interest of the viewer along with educating them about your app.

Why Webinar?

A webinar is the only way where you can find a large number of the audience whom you can educate about your app. Here, you can specifically highlight on all the major aspects of your app by showing them how efficient your app is and how easy it is to use. 

Webinars are a great opportunity for app developers to boost their community outreach. Right from sending a notification to your existing users to maximizing your users’ list, webinar app promotion is the best tactic that you can ever apply.  

How Does Webinar Work?

A webinar is a type of one-to-many communication process where the presenter will reach to a specific group of audience or online viewers. If the webinars are effectively used, then the interactions during the ongoing process could prove to be very powerful and profitable. And for channeling a better interaction, you need to have smart tools. 

Currently, all the trending topics are discussed in webinars. Apart from simple oratory, presenters are now including video images of their products for showing their viewers. Through webinars, startups are now reaching new heights of success by making huge bucks. Also, they are following the trending app launch strategies which are getting them more app installs. 

Webinar App Promotion

7 Secrets To A Successful Webinar App Promotion

App promotion through a webinar is in the current trend because it is highly preferred by most of the smart startupreneurs. Even more interesting, the number of online participants in the webinar is consistently increasing, which is giving the entrepreneurs an opportunity to make the best use of it. 

Let’s check out the 7 secrets of promoting your app through webinars:

1. Plan Your Webinar Time And Date

When you have decided to organize a webinar, get all your scheduled planned at first. Plan your date and time of promotion. Promote your apps at least a few weeks in advance. 

The best days for hosting your webinar would be on weekdays and should not be done on weekends. 

An ideal webinar duration is generally within 45 minutes to 1 hour. It should not be more than an hour as people would get bored and leave the webinar midway. In the middle of the webinar, you can ask the audience to stick to the end for some bonus gifts. This trick may entice the viewers to glue themselves to the webinar. 

2. Come Up With An Evergreen Content

For the webinar presentation, you need content which is evergreen. It should be both unique and interesting. The content should highlight all the aspects of your app. Evergreen content is something that will never change or would change sometimes. 

One of the best ways to pull people towards webinar is to create enticing content on your social media sites and blogs. Start by announcing the news of your webinar on your blog. You can either post an article promoting your webinar. You can also write a topic directly linking to your upcoming website. 

Next, you need to discuss your webinar on your social media accounts. Make the best usage of your Facebook and Linkedin posts. In this way, you can bring in more people to your webinar session.

3. Send Invitation Mail To Your Users

One of the most powerful ways to reach your audience is through emails. You are required to target your emails and customize them accordingly, specifically to the groups you would be sending. 

Make use of engaging email titles like “save your spot” and “book your seat” for grabbing the maximum number of eyeballs to your webinar. 

4. Go For Community Outreach

Getting the word out of the internet could be one of the best ways to begin with your webinar app promotion. It is extremely essential to do some work ahead of time while you introduce your business to each community of users you want to target. 

For boosting your community outreach, you need to do these few things:

  • Send them a highly-polished newsletter
  • Contact the influencers
  • Spread the word of your webinar in different online communities
  • Tie up with other companies

5. Go For Paid Advertising 

If you have ever done events promotion, then you might be familiar with paid advertising. When it comes to promoting a webinar, then this is one of the best tools. It is a delocalize option which allows the registrants to join from anywhere. 

Collecting registrants’ information becomes easier with the paid ads system. Paid ads are more interesting for promoting your webinar than ads directly linking to your registration page. 

6. Keep Your Registrants Updated With Notifications 

At this stage, you will be done with all your initial webinar app promotion works and get people registered to your webinar session. However, do not hurry to celebrate as you are not over yet. 

Now, it is actually the right time to focus on your registrants and to ensure that they attend the live webinar. 

How’s that possible?

Start sending your participants reminders before they forget about the event. Enable an auto-set reminder soon after the webinar goes live. Also, apart from that, you need to constantly keep on sending reminders to registrants that they require to attend the webinar.

7. Enhance Your App’s Value After Your Webinar Is Over

All this while we have focussed on certain actions that you need to take for promoting your app via webinar. But there are several other tasks that you need to do a post-webinar session. 

You need to keep on pushing the webinar forward after it is over. Enable a replay option for your webinar, in case anybody wishes to see it again, or might have missed it. Make sure that the replay option is available to all registrants. 

Your reply part becomes your biggest asset after your webinar is done. You can even cut some video snaps from the live webinar and make promotional videos out of it. This will be indeed helpful for future app promotion. 

Final Thoughts

Your only goal in the webinar is to educate your audience about your app. You should not speak something inept due to which the audience might lose interest. By adhering to all the necessary steps for app promotion through the webinar, you can get more people engaged with your app

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5 Easy Ways To Promote App On Facebook https://www.techwebspace.com/5-easy-ways-to-promote-app-on-facebook/ Mon, 26 Aug 2019 10:45:42 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=26441 Being an integral part of marketing, mobile apps are something which has actually made our lives easier. Needless to say, it is very important to have a mobile app for your business; to keep the users constantly engaged with your brand.  There...

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Being an integral part of marketing, mobile apps are something which has actually made our lives easier. Needless to say, it is very important to have a mobile app for your business; to keep the users constantly engaged with your brand. 

There are numerous ways through which one can increase app installs, but have you ever thought about how to promote an app on Facebook?

With thousands of apps in the App Stores, it has become indeed difficult to gain new users. Of course, nobody would download your app, if it is not useful to them. There might be hundreds of other apps that are similar to yours, and the users may just shift to some other app for numerous reasons.

So now you see how tougher the competition gets when it’s about app marketing. You just can’t get into the top that easily. When it comes to app download, then it’s not just about your app’s visibility, but it is also about how you are presenting your app in the App Stores. 

For instance, if the app image or the app description is not strong enough to bait the users, they will simply scroll down for other apps. Or even if they somehow find your app and download it, there are chances of them uninstalling your app, if they do not find any specific feature which they were actually looking for. 

Facebook Ads Comes To The Rescue

Ensuring app downloads has now become simpler with the advent of Facebook ads. Facebook ads is one of the most effective platforms for increasing the number of app downloads. It has even increased the engagement, awareness and in-app purchases from the user’s part. That is the reason why Facebook ads are highly preferred by app marketers. 

Why Facebook Ads?

The main motive of Facebook Ads is to drive the number of app installs. A large number of entrepreneurs are now taking the complete advantage of this platform for taking their app to the forefront. 

People are always hooked into Facebook and the chances are higher than the users install your app while they browse Facebook. Facebook ad is an important part of your campaign for driving more app installs and it is one of the huge platforms with a larger set of audience. 

Strategies That Drive App Downloads Through Facebook Ads

If you are looking for increasing your mobile app engagement, then have the right strategies in place. Let’s check out some of them:

1. Optimize Campaign For Your App Downloads

Simply by selecting the option for “manage ads” section, you can optimize your campaign objectives for more app downloads. For more clicks or impressions, you can optimize your campaigns. 

In the app installs section, you can see on your screen the request to set up an ad account. Set up your ad account by choosing all the right options. 

Trust Facebook algorithms for serving ads to the users who are most likely to install your mobile app. 

Related Read- 8 Smart Tricks To Get One Million App Installs

2. Target Users By Mobile Device

Most of the apps do not work on all the devices. This means that they would either work on Android, or iOS or Windows. Since you are trying to increase the number of app downloads, make sure that your app works flawlessly on certain devices.

If your users download an app that is not compatible with their devices, it can only lead to users’ frustration. This will ultimately lead to the users uninstalling your app. Also, it would be a huge waste of money to invest in a platform where your app fails to perform. 

Go for mobile device targeting, check the advanced options section. While you plug in your app, it will automatically target those users whose devices are compatible with your app. 

3. Make Use Of Custom And Lookalike Audiences

One of the popular retargeting strategies is to use the custom audiences which is necessary when you are planning to drive sales. While you run a custom audience campaign for your users who are familiar with your brand, you will have an audience who are highly receptive to your app. 

Once your custom audience campaign is ready, you can run the lookalike audience campaign for connecting new users (who are least interested in your app). For instance, you are showing the targeted ads to your warm audience (people who are your followers, website visitors, or people on your email list); lookalike audience helps you to reach out the cold audience beyond behavior or interest targeting. 

4. Use Videos And Images Representing Your App

This is a direct strategy from Facebook for helping the app developers to increase their app installs. Through the use of mind-boggling creatives, you can possibly bolster your mobile app install campaign. 

By including a powerful device image in your ad, you can get your users engaged. Also, you can showcase your app’s value with a powerful number and stats. Visually presenting your app’s feature is one of the best strategies to increase your app downloads. 

5. Pick The Right CTA

For encouraging more number of app installs, Facebook has introduced various CTA buttons like Download Now, Play Game, Install Now, Watch Video, Listen Now, Shop Now, Book Now, and others. 

You need to choose an effective CTA that will actually determine your app’s purpose. Strong CTA buttons generally include short, crisp and persuading notes for the users to get the app installed on their devices. 

Wrapping It All Up

Although there are a number of ways of increasing app installs, through Facebook ads your chances of maximizing app downloads doubles in a cost-effective manner. 

Boosting your app downloads through Facebook Ads is not that easy. Not only you need to target the right users but also you need to have the right strategies ready. For best app promotion strategies, you can always consult the best mobile app development company. With expert help, you can get your app promoted in the right way through Facebook Ads. 

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5 UI Design Trends That Will Keep Your Users Hooked https://www.techwebspace.com/5-ui-design-trends-that-will-keep-your-users-hooked/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 11:24:24 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=23894 Entrepreneurs should treat their app as a product. -But how can an app be a product? We sell our ‘real products’ through it. It is just a platform. Ok. Let’s start with basics like what is a product? Something that is sold...

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Entrepreneurs should treat their app as a product.

-But how can an app be a product? We sell our ‘real products’ through it. It is just a platform.

Ok. Let’s start with basics like what is a product? Something that is sold for money? No, not necessarily, the product can also be a free kit you distribute amongst your users. A product is chiefly made to give a solution. Putting a price tag or not is your decision.

So, now that we are clear about a product’s purpose let’s move forward. How does your app serve as a product? Your app gives an easy solution to the buyers looking for it, it may not be an instant solution but it is a part of it. So, when you develop your app, you may want to put in a little more effort in the UX bit.

Many people easily interchange  UX with UI. They are not the same. While the former is the ultimate judge, the latter is just a part of it. UI is accountable for just the look of the app, but it is a major contributor to retaining and attracting users. Statistically, 60% of the mobile apps are never downloaded, while out of the downloaded ones only 21% has been used once. The data above calls for a designer’s attention. The designers need to proactively search for a repeated pattern of design and quickly adopt it.

We are almost halfway through 2019 and found some trends carried on from the last year and some new additions.

UI Design Trends 2019

Colorful and Custom-made Illustrations

By the early setting of 2017, custom illustrations were already making waves in the industry and designers were still picking up the traces. And considering their assistance in interactive storytelling, they are here for long. Hand-drawn figures and stylized shapes offer a more distinctive identity to an app. Custom illustrations are likely to be more approachable and relatable from the users perspective, in return enhancing the chances of goal conversion.

Colors play a major role in a person’s mind and feelings. And the UI makes an impact on human psychology. So, it is extremely significant for the designers to understand the concept in order to effectively wield it. Even big brands regularly update their websites and apps and experiment with hues in order to invoke more responses from users.

Interactive animations

The increase in the number of apps and shrinking human attention span, the designers are compelled to add a tinge of glamour to the apps to keep the users hooked. Animation has proven to be more capable of garnering attention from the netizens. Thus, designers have actively carried this trend onto their websites and apps for the past few years. Motion designs capitalize on human psychology and therefore is highly subjective. So deal with animations with care.

Related read: Mobile App Development Trends And Predictions – What To Expect In 2019

Badge-less Interface

Have you ever browsed through the Instagram/Facebook stories? Did you see any dedicated button to view the next story? No. Because they have integrated automatic swiping of stories in few seconds without the interference of any touch so if you want to skip a photo, just tap. This button-less UI was first introduced by Snapchat. From social media networks, even e-commerce websites are adopting this trend by letting shoppers drag items to the cart instead of “adding it”

Voice search

Voice search would be a brand new addition to UI trends. UI does not only need to be visually appealing, assisting your app with voice search will enhance your user’s search process, keeping them hooked to the app. Voice search is dealing with natural language processing, this trend had first set foot into the market in the name of “Siri” – IOS compliant voice search. After Siri, the mighty Google too started its own voice assistant in 2012. The increased interaction with voice search led Google to take the decision and it is now ruling the internet. Many technologists and market analysts have predicted voice search to become a sensation in the coming years. So, adopting it now will give you an upper hand amongst your competitors.

Related read: Web Design Trends – What To Expect In 2019

Vibrant and loud Gradients

Gradients have been a part of UI design strategy and it still is. Many designers still use the gradient to merely disrupt the monotony of the screen while there is so much still hidden behind the veil. With high-resolution smartphones floating in the market, gradients can produce a fantastic blend of colors on-screen.


Your digital facet is not merely a medium for your patrons to connect with you, rather they are an active contributor to your product sales. Even big brands like Amazon, Forbes, Facebook, and other platforms have regularly experimented with their UI.

The competition is currently scaling to new heights, every year 10000 apps are launched and only 1 app is able to make it through to the users’ smartphones. The rest, 9999, apps fail.  Mobile application development is undergoing an evolution, and UI-UX designer team needs to be agile now more than ever

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5 Web App Development Trends Businesses Must Know Before Building Apps in 2018 https://www.techwebspace.com/5-web-app-development-trends-businesses-must-know-building-apps-2018/ Fri, 05 Jan 2018 13:42:32 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=4480 Have you noticed that digital technologies keep on transforming the business landscape? It is something that changes annually. We looked down up this change as growth or trends. And talking about digital technology – it always denotes web, mobile, artificial intelligence, big...

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Have you noticed that digital technologies keep on transforming the business landscape? It is something that changes annually. We looked down up this change as growth or trends. And talking about digital technology – it always denotes web, mobile, artificial intelligence, big data etc.

But when we come to an app development company – we seem to feel confused. What to build a mobile or a web application? Which platform can be the best to arm my business?

However, with today’s world extremely obsessive about mobile, businesses often like to walk with a mobile app for their customers. But it seems people are forgetting the web – “the basic brick of digital technology”. Thus, Forrester as per their latest report sums up saying,

“The software you deploy, and especially the custom software you create, will increasingly be part of your competitive edge.”

Uh… Umm… Don’t you find that fascinating? Well, almost everything is web-based. If your organization has the ability to look after web application development, then you are sure to reach the heights.

How can your business gain a competitive advantage over the competitors with web application development, when everyone is busy going mobile? It is simple.

You have to stay ahead of the web application development trends. Why we say this. Well, web technology is mushrooming at a high rate. And something that will be in trend this year will be out of trend by the end of 2018. As a web application development company, we would like to tell that web development is one of the major digital platform, prone to frequent changes.

New technologies are evolving daily to replace the existing ones. For example, Material Design which was in craze a year back is now revamping their looks with using animation or Motion UI. Things in web love to break their monotonous nature.

So we thought to explain clearly the upcoming web application development trends that will allow developers to improve their productivity in 2018. Let us see how the latest trends will head the web application development companies in 2018.

progressive web app development
Source: Google Developers

#1. This year Progressive Web App Development is Showing Some Real PROGRESS!

Progressive Web Apps had their curtain raiser in 2015 and have grown huge in their popularity. According to Google, “Progressive Web Applications take advantage of new technologies to bring the best of mobile sites and native applications to users. They’re reliable, fast, and engaging.”

They are web applications that feel like the native mobile apps. They take advantage of the features on web browsers to deliver an app like experience.

The plus point of PWAs is, they even work offline. WOAH! You get instant loading and have the ability to send push notifications. Web applications has been trying since long to emulate what is working on mobile to give their mobile customers a similar feel and user experience.

Why is this web app development trend important?

Business have hard times making a choice between native apps and mobile web app. Native apps are no doubt going to provide the best user experience, but are expensive to build and difficult to maintain. They also demand separate app for every OS. Mobile web apps work across all platforms and easy to build, but fails to match the native experience.

Here’s where PWAs makes their entry.

  • They are the alternative to native mobile app development. They offer your business with user experience benefits of the native apps. Here’s why Google lists in their developer manual why your business should build a PWA.
  • They are having the ability to be on the home screen when the PWAs meet the criteria.
  • Works even in offline mode. The service workers activated Konga to send 63% less data for the initial page loads and 84% less data for the first transaction.
  • Get increased engagement with use of PWAs.
  • Conversions has never been so smooth, you can read the case study of AliExpress who gained 104% conversion on their web browsers compared to 82% on iOS.

#2. “Are You a Bot!?” – Yup, I’m! – Chatbots are going to make it huge this year

Even if you have a human managing your chat application, it is common for your support guy to hear this – “Are you a bot?” – and it is normal for him or her to fret! But let us tell you, bots are intelligent. They are really one of the best web app development trends in 2018.

Chatbots are making the life of the ecommerce developers a real toast as they can develop website with appropriate online assistance. Now users can order food, tickers with just a click. A report by Gartner also suggests that around 85% of the customer interactions will proceed without human assistance by 2020.

Most of the advanced chatbots which we see today has their roots in artificial intelligence. In the coming years they will be able to understand live speech and learn from same person in conversation.

Like eBay and Dominos are using a chatbot in Facebook Messenger for their communication and register customer grievances.

#3. Blockchain is one of the interesting web application development trend in 2018

It feel like you have heard much about Blockchain in late 2017. Many might be talking about it, but few actually understand it. And fewer are using it.

What is blockchain? – Well it nothing but collective data storage. You will come across a number of computers around the world, which have huge data but they are decentralized. Blockchain will be providing higher level of security in such a scenario and will be promoting transactions using complex algorithms, shunning the middle men and guaranteeing more accuracy.

Every transactions in a blockchain will be verified and will rely upon complex algorithms in spite of a huge number of computers being a part of it. A decentralized, yet a secured database that everybody loves to share.

But how does the blockchain affects the life of the web app developers and your business?

Well, this article from Medium tells how blockchain affects your business and the web app developers. Blockchain will not explode, but it will definitely grow to explode in the coming years and poised to impact web app development for years to come.

Most of the Multinational Banks (Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase) have realized the importance of blockchain and has started to hire web application development company to use blockchain and enable full security in their data.

#4. IoT is more crucial for businesses this year

Internet of Things has garnered much attention in the last few years and shows no signs of slowing down. Gartner in a report published that 8.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide in 2015 and will raise 31% by 2016.

Consumer accounts 63% of total IoT usage and will employ 3.1 billion connected things in 2017, the number will rise substantially in 2018.

And in the late 2017, the launch of Amazon Alexa further confirms that IoT and related web app development is going to become mainstream. The consumers are going to purchase the system to control their thermostats, lights, locks, alarm systems and thus we will witness a huge growth. The use of remote technology with in-built voice technology is going to double the pressure on web app developers.

So if you are into a business where you can embrace IoT reach out to more customers, you should not neglect to stay in trend.

#5. Motion UI is going to make it huge this year

This is one of the most upcoming web application development trend. The whole idea behind this is to help web app developer ensure design with a minimalistic approach and stop users from feeling tired.

Don’t let your users get tired with those excessive GIFs and flashing content. Motion UI is poised to become popular. Since animation allows the web app developers include styling of a website with static UI.

What’s Your Business Take?

If you want to take a step ahead in 2018 by growing your digital platform, know the trends from beforehand. Web is the foundation for online channels, and if you want web app development, you need to know these trends. These web application development trends can arm your business with growing revenues.

So, revamp your business. Deploy powerful progressive web apps, blockchain, motion UI, chatbots and Internet of Things to evolve as the best in 2018.

The post 5 Web App Development Trends Businesses Must Know Before Building Apps in 2018 appeared first on Tech Web Space.
