Pranab, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Wed, 29 Jun 2022 12:52:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pranab, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Why Portfolio Monitoring Is Important Tue, 06 Jul 2021 15:52:28 +0000 Every year, private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) firms invest billions of dollars in businesses across the world. According to a report released in February 2021, fundraising by PE firms in Asia alone amounted to USD90bn from 2011 to 2018; likewise,...

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Every year, private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) firms invest billions of dollars in businesses across the world. According to a report released in February 2021, fundraising by PE firms in Asia alone amounted to USD90bn from 2011 to 2018; likewise, in the US, it amounted to USD345bn from 2010 to 2017.

As market conditions and realities keep shifting, the demand for effective monitoring of portfolio investments in real time has also grown. Known as portfolio monitoring, this is an extremely important aspect of PE and VC firms.

Benefits Of Portfolio Monitoring

PE firms often invest in underperforming or undervalued businesses with potential, while VC firms invest in highly scalable or specialised businesses. Monitoring the progress of these businesses comes with several advantages.

  • PE and VC firms often do more than just invest in companies. Effectively monitoring the progress of their portfolio companies helps these firms ensure the success of their investments. Areas where they can offer support and expertise include business strategy, managerial expertise, product technology interventions and distribution
  • Portfolio monitoring helps in tracking the financial performance of businesses, including cash flow, profit and loss and expense and revenue. Doing so on a regular basis gives the firm a bird’s-eye view of all investments and their success rates
  • PE and VC firms are always on the lookout for new investment opportunities, and the performance of existing portfolio companies can help direct them on future investment opportunities and needs.

A Specialised Approach To Portfolio Monitoring

Until a few years ago, asset managers used spreadsheets and manual processes to track and analyse the performance of their assets. Manual efforts tend to compromise both speed and efficiency, not to mention the absence of real-time data.

Effective portfolio monitoring is emerging as a specialised vertical, where access to strategic market research and best practices in terms of operations play a key role in decision-making in a dynamic market.

Specialists in the field, such as Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity), offer industry expertise along with state-of-the-art portfolio monitoring tools. By approaching these providers, PE and VC firms can benefit from access to superior portfolio and risk analytics, efficient investment operations, enhanced reporting solutions, robust data integration and management, and bespoke applications, tools and dashboards.

Technology Powering Effective Portfolio Monitoring

The introduction of technology-driven solutions has brought in more efficiency to portfolio monitoring. It offers quick access to a portfolio’s entire life cycle within the click of a few buttons. The more intuitive and flexible the tool, the more value it creates for all stakeholders. Here are some core features of portfolio monitoring tools:

  • End-to-end cloud-based portfolio-monitoring tools make data and insights accessible to asset managers anytime and anywhere via smartphones, laptops, tablets and other devices that support the software
  • They can be integrated seamlessly into existing tech stack and processes
  • A robust cash flow engine makes it easy to calculate investment values, multiples and internal rates of return (IRRs)
  • Tracking across sectors and sub-sectors is made possible
  • Automated data extraction allows users to easily get data from reports in PDF format to Excel files, significantly improving turnaround time
  • Dashboard charts and analytics can be customised and modified within a brief time period as per requirements
  • Bespoke reports can be generated periodically to be shared for internal consumption. Metrics and reports can be customised and generated in the desired format
  • Portfolio monitoring tools such as FolioSure offered by Acuity also enable their PE and VC portfolio monitoring experts to liaise with multiple stakeholders for data sourcing, consistency and accuracy

Key Metrics To Be Monitored

Key metrics that need to be monitored can vary based on an asset manager’s objectives. However, private equity managers leverage some key performance metrics or indicators as a measure of a portfolio company’s success:

Gross and net IRR: The IRR is a critical metric that PE managers use to measure and compare the returns on their investments. Managers track all investment cash flow over a predefined period to determine the gross and net IRRs

TVPI multiple calculation: The total value to paid-in (TVPI) multiple estimates a PE fund’s overall performance. It requires two figures to arrive at the correct result – the fund’s cumulative distributions and the paid-in capital’s residual value. It calculates the amount investors would get after the fund’s unrealised assets are sold and are added to distributions already received by the manager. Portfolio monitoring tools, such as FolioSure, provide the input required to calculate these metrics so that users can benchmark the performance


As their portfolios keep growing, PE and VC firms will need to leverage technology and industry expertise to be able to monitor their portfolios efficiently and in real time. Centralising portfolio company data makes it accessible to multiple stakeholders, creates transparency and ensures continuity, particularly when portfolio managers change. Embracing contemporary approaches to portfolio monitoring can help firms focus on their primary objective, which is to maximise value while meeting business targets.

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The Long-Term Impact Of Identity Fraud: Can It Be Prevented? Thu, 20 May 2021 09:38:22 +0000 The impact of frauds such as identity theft is profound, lasting from anywhere between a couple of days or several years. It all depends on what information was stolen, how quickly the victim realized it, and how well the issue has been...

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The impact of frauds such as identity theft is profound, lasting from anywhere between a couple of days or several years. It all depends on what information was stolen, how quickly the victim realized it, and how well the issue has been addressed.

In 2020, identity fraud cases reported to the FTC surged to 1,387,615 – a tripled amount compared to 2018. To commit identity fraud, thieves gain access to unauthorized and confidential data. Once this is done, they use it to carry out numerous other crimes. This is why it is essential to know what identity fraud is, how it can affect you, and more importantly, what you can do to prevent it.

Understanding the Working of Identity Fraud

Identity fraud occurs when a fraudster utilizes another individual’s personal data to commit a scam. For example, a lost passport, a stolen ID card, or even a discarded water bill can be used by the criminal as proof of address or identity, enabling them to open fraudulent bank accounts.

Identity details are often stolen by criminals through company database hacks, successful phishing attempts, fraudulent email scams, discarded utility bills or letters, computer hacks, and much more.

What is the Stolen Data Used For?

Once a fraudster has gained access to sensitive data, they can use it to carry out the following activities:

  • Open fraudulent bank accounts using fake documents
  • Get issued credit cards, apply for faulty loans, or exploit state benefits
  • Order products and services online in the victim’s name
  • Take over the victim’s existing financial accounts
  • Acquire legitimate documents such as a driver’s license or a passport under the victim’s name
  • Combine the stolen data with false information to commit synthetic identity theft

Can Victims Find Out They Have Been Targeted?

If the stolen data is fused with fake information, the resulting fraudulent identity becomes considerably difficult to detect. In case you have become a victim of identity fraud, you may only realize it after receiving bills for products or services purchased online or when you receive letters from credit card companies questioning your credit report. Other instances can include:

  • Your utility bills go missing or errors appear on your payment account
  • You encounter phone calls from debt collectors regarding loans that you never applied for
  • Your medical coverage appears to be fully used up despite you never using it
  • Rejected tax filings
  • You receive calls or emails about your elderly parent’s or children’s accounts that you never made
  • You’re denied loans based on a suspicious credit history

The Impact of Identity Theft

Depending on the kind of theft that has taken place, identity fraud can have disastrous effects. These include but are not limited to:

Damaged Credit

Suppose an identity thieve steals your Social Security Number (SSN), uses it to open a new bank account, or issue a credit card. When the debt is never paid back to the bank, it can potentially ruin your credit history.

Ruined credit history has various long-term impacts, ranging from higher interest rates from banks, reduced loan options, and difficulty in finding housing plans and facilities. In other cases, it can also be used against you while searching for a job, applying for state benefits, or insurance premiums.

Tax Debt

If an identity thief uses your SSN on job applications and does not pay the mandatory taxes, it could build up hefty bills under your name. It is also possible for a fraudster to file a tax return in your name to acquire fraudulent refunds. In this case, the victim would be left to deal with the consequences, while the criminal is left undetected.

A Criminal Record

Criminal identity theft takes place when an individual caught or arrested for a crime portrays themselves as another individual by using their name or other Personally Identifiable Information (PII). As a result, the criminal record is cited under the victim’s name who might not even be aware of it until the damage is done.

To commit criminal identity fraud, the culprit can provide a picture-based identification — either legitimate or counterfeit — or simply bypass identity verification by authorities via fake documents, stolen driver’s licenses, or discarded ID cards.

Combating Identity Fraud

For individuals that aim to safeguard themselves against identity fraud, the following tips can be implemented:

  1. Immediate cancellation of discarded or stolen plastic cards (e.g. credit or ID cards)
  2. Shred bank statements, utility bills, and other confidential documents prior to discarding them
  3. Use strong passwords for online accounts and always opt for two-factor authentication (2FA)
  4. Keep a regular check on your credit score
  5. Alert the responsible authorities in case any suspicious activity has been detected

An established business or startup can utilize two services, in particular, for identity theft protection. These include:

Biometric Technology

Biometric identity verification can be employed to validate customers in real-time through an analysis of their facial features. Automated identity verification software can easily detect fraudsters, spoof attempts, video replays, and other such tactics used by criminals that may be trying to open new bank accounts using fake identity details.

ID Document Verification

Document verification software backed by AI models has the ability to weed out illegitimate, modified, or false documents. This is done by automated data extraction through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Once the data has been extracted, numerous authenticity checks are carried out to detect any signs of forgery, tampering, or false information. As a result, only legitimate customers are onboarded.

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7 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Professional Database Designer Wed, 24 Mar 2021 06:59:04 +0000 You’ve been looking for the right candidate to fill up this position for months. But you still haven’t found anyone qualified enough. If you’re just about ready to throw in the towel, if you’re tired of finding candidates who don’t fit the...

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You’ve been looking for the right candidate to fill up this position for months. But you still haven’t found anyone qualified enough. If you’re just about ready to throw in the towel, if you’re tired of finding candidates who don’t fit the bill, you might be going about it the wrong way.

Here’s a look at common hiring mistakes. Go over the list to find out if these mistakes apply to you and what you can do to avoid them.

Not Knowing the Hiring Requirements

Before you start looking for database designers, make sure you’re well aware of your team or department’s hiring requirements.

  • Do you need experienced or senior designers or will someone with the skills of a junior designer be a good hire, too?
  • Is your team ready to provide the training that the employee needs?

Whatever your answers are, they will impact your hiring decision. If you need someone with experience, for instance, then you’ll need to skip resumes or portfolios from candidates who are just starting out.

Focusing on LinkedIn

It’s true that many prospective employers find some of prospective candidates on LinkedIn. But this isn’t the only platform out there. There are places like that allow you to meet professionals who offer their services.

You’ll find freelancers and agencies using the platform to advertise services for hire. If you haven’t been exploring other sites and options over the years, then you’ve been missing out on a lot of hiring opportunities. Stop posting jobs in the same old spots and start checking out marketplaces for potential hires.

No Structured Hiring Process

Before anything else, how have you been recruiting employees at work? Do you have a structured hiring process? A tedious and stressful hiring process might be one of the reasons why candidates stop pursuing their applications with your company.

Take a long look at your process and see about streamlining it.

  • What steps can you do without?
  • Which ones don’t have any significant impact on the outcome of the process?

Fix the structure of your hiring process and that will help you eliminate candidates who are a good match for the vacancies in your organization. However, since there’s often a need to find qualified candidates fast, it’s important that you learn how to balance speed and quality in the hiring process.

Attracting the Wrong Candidate

Do you have a hard time attracting the right candidates? If you often end up with prospects who are not right for the job, look for ways to change that. Increase the odds of finding the right talent by using recruiting technology. What are the best practices and tools being used today? If you haven’t been updated with any of that in the last few years, then learn new methods of recruiting talent. Plenty have been introduced over the years. Don’t stick to only what you know.

Dismissing Company Fit

Successful hiring teams pay attention to company fit. It’s not enough to hire someone with the right credentials. You’ll find plenty of people who often fit the bill, with the training and skills that will serve them well in the position. But if they don’t fit your company culture, that’s not going to be a good hiring decision in the long term. People tend to leave work environments that they aren’t comfortable or happy with. If they don’t like the company culture or they aren’t compatible with it, then they won’t thrive in that environment.

The problem is that you want every new hire to last. You want employees that will be at the company for years. It’s not just about loyalty. This is also a practical concern as rehiring and retraining costs can be hefty. You want to save the company all that. It’s also easier to build a solid and committed team if you are all on the same page.

Not Asking for Feedback

One way to find out more about your hiring process is to ask for feedback from the candidates. Not a lot of companies do this. Many believe the feedback will be negative so why bother? But that’s not actually the case. Get feedback from candidates, even the ones you reject—especially from them—and you can get insights into how you can improve your process. It can offer suggestions on what areas you need to work on and fix. Start offering surveys to help you get feedback from your candidates.

Longer Than Necessary

Do you use any recruiting software? If you’re still doing many of the administrative tasks manually, it’s time to upgrade the way you work. Consider the bottlenecks in your hiring process and what can be done to reduce delays and shorten work times. That will help you improve your hiring experience. Implementing a recruitment chatbot is also a good way to provide basic assistance with common issues.

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Why Choose Vue.js For Building Large-Scale Applications? Tue, 02 Feb 2021 07:52:43 +0000 Vue.js is a progressive framework for JavaScript, typically used to build user interfaces like applications and web interfaces. Vue has made life easier via its familiar templating syntax and use of components. Vue.js works perfectly for large-scale applications as well as for...

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Vue.js is a progressive framework for JavaScript, typically used to build user interfaces like applications and web interfaces. Vue has made life easier via its familiar templating syntax and use of components. Vue.js works perfectly for large-scale applications as well as for startups. It allows the user to write the JavaScript file template, HTML file and even pure JavaScript file using virtual nodes.

Few amongst the many reasons why you should choose Vue.js are listed below:


Several users aren’t yet comfortable with Vue.js and create applications using frameworks such as AngularJs. However, they later wish to make changes using the Vue.js framework. Thankfully, it is possible to do so because of the highly adaptive architecture of Vue.js. Integration of any existing application irrespective of the framework with which it was developed previously, can be done using Vue.js. This feature is possible because of the similarities which Vue.js have with AngularJs and React.

Hence, their architectures can be easily incorporated into Vue.js.

An advantage in Documentation:

One of the keenest features which attract many users towards Vue.js is it’s documentation provided. The document has every point mentioned in detail and with utmost precision. It helps new developers to learn the entire process for the framework quickly. As it results in less time consumption, he can directly focus on the application development part.

Learning functions and features don’t eat up much time, and the same can be invested in understanding the process of integrating applications with the framework. Just basic HTML and JavaScript knowledge enables the user to learn and understand the entire framework quite quickly and start developing the application process even more rapidly.

Support towards DOM architecture:

Vue.js is operated using Virtual DOM; hence, any alterations made while developing won’t be seen directly on the DOM. A replica version of the DOM is created which exists in the form of JS data structures. This enables the developers to experiment and play with their designs and models and observe the changes in the UI, with the upper hand to undo anything cost-effectively. It gives Vue.js a significant benefit over Angular war.

Ease of Integration:

Many frameworks for developing dynamic UI/UX enabled designs for different applications are available; most of them are open source. This framework stands out from most of the other frameworks; the reason is stated ahead. This framework is based on JavaScript and has a simple mechanism to integrate with applications. This is the main reason for its deployment.

As discussed above this framework makes it easier to integrate any application due to its compatibility with the other JavaScript applications. This framework also supports third-party or external libraries by adding the content delivery network file beforehand with your application. We can not only build new applications but can also integrate the Vue.js framework for customization. We have to hire a developer who has efficiency in creating UI/UX parts using the Vue.js framework, and we could ask him to include the design features that we want to add.

Hence, it is not always the case where you have to create a whole application with the help of the Vue.js framework, but we can also customize the applications that are already existing using the framework.

High performance:

Vue.js doesn’t have a series of multiple processes for checking in the point of testing and debugging. Hence, it restrains the number of users from being involved in the process of testing and debugging. Therefore, we have the advantage of increased speed and performance of applications. While on the other hand, the AngularJs framework is slower than Vue.js as there are many users involved in the debugging process.

Hence, it results in more time taking the process even if only one modification in the code is done. It affects applications’ performance due to the more intake of time for a revaluation of the application. Vue.js contains a tracking system that tracks the dependencies in the components of the framework in the application. These components have synchronization with the queries performed when there is minimum change done in each level of the development process.

Several Vue.js development companies will help you develop a large scale application using their extraordinary framework. Grammarly and GitLab are some of the very famous applications we frequently use, which are made using Vue.js.

It is evident that to build large applications, all you need is a framework. Vue.js development companies’ features like the ease of documentation, simplicity of coding, and easy learning curve make Vue.js very convenient.

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Why Should You Hire Software Development Agency Over Freelancer? Thu, 21 Jan 2021 13:23:37 +0000 Today, in this world of digitization, it is hard to find a business or service provider without using a software application. Ranging from upgrading and automating the in-house process to improving the overall customer experience, a software application has become a necessity...

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Today, in this world of digitization, it is hard to find a business or service provider without using a software application. Ranging from upgrading and automating the in-house process to improving the overall customer experience, a software application has become a necessity of a company.

In fact, professional services are required even when developing a micro-website or building an entire application. Outsourcing is the best way to achieve digital transformation and this can be done through a freelancer or by a team of specialists at a dedicated development agency. But why to hire an agency over a freelancer is a genuine question.

Following are some explanations to choose an agency:

Professional approach:

A software development agency values quality and works with set guidelines in a more professional way. Remember that your website makes the first impression and to convert a visitor to a potential customer, a well-designed website plays an important role. A team of experienced developers in an agency makes this task easy as they have a thorough knowledge of making good and responsive websites as per the customer’s requirements. An agency understands that a customer’s feedback is more crucial for them, as this will provide a base on which the next client will hire them. Thus, agencies follow a strict work schedule with a strong work ethic.

Variety of Service:

A software development agency in the UK will provide a variety of different services together. An agency has a team of professionals, who are well trained in various business chores and have access to additional required services fruitful for the client. A client does not need to search other avenues for their additional services of a similar vertical. One does it all, and the client does not have to go through the screening process again and again. When a freelancer has its limitations to additional devices and software, an agency is equipped with the latest techs available to stand well ahead in the market.

Collective expertise with promising back support:

Clients deal with more than one expert in software development companies of the UK. The end results are developed by the high level of collective experts, based on the client’s feedback. A team of experts dealing in programming, designing, marketing, etc. ensure the best outputs for their clients.
Moreover, a software development agency works on a project with more responsibility, providing the best relevant results. The final results delivered by an agency are always better than a single head, as they have been produced by a group of team experts. Also, a good agency provides a well-equipped 24×7 customer helpline to provide on-going support for their customers.

Better maintenance and support:

A freelancer cannot provide support once work has been done. For example, let’s say your website is prepared and delivered. After a month you face some issues. A freelancer is less expected to resolve the problems in comparison to a software development company. A good company is sure to provide full cooperation and will listen to all the grievances of a customer, providing them with the best solution.

Proven standards:

A professional software development agency has access to more tools when compared to a freelancer. A company invests more in technologies and up gradations to provide the best solutions. A company purchases different paid subscriptions to access various software and provide robust reporting features to their customers. A freelancer has limited resources and has no support for any open-source tools.

Trustworthy practices:

An agency is more trustworthy to work with when compared to a freelancer. A software development company is committed to cooperating with its clients in any set of circumstances. A good agency may also assign a dedicated professional to their client to help them out with their specific needs and demands. The companies plan out strategies that are ought to provide positive results making a business strong.

Key benefits of hiring an agency over a freelancer:

  • Saves time and money
  • Ensures data security of the clients
  • More experienced team of professionals
  • 24 x 7 customer support
  • Timely delivery
  • Stress-free results
  • After delivery support and services
  • Provide timely updates
  • More reliable for start-ups
  • Smoother workflow
  • Maintenance and after-sales support


When we are talking about a professional approach, hiring a software development company is always a better choice. An agency can guarantee solid quality work with the best desired results.

It is worth noting that there are a limited number of website applications that have been appreciated and developed by some freelancers. But, more appealing solutions are found to be designed by a group of people, working as a team. A classic result has always been a result of a team

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What Advantages Make Bespoke Software Solutions Better Than Off The Shelf Ones? Fri, 24 Jul 2020 06:54:53 +0000 This post, we will talk about bespoke or custom software solutions and their advantages.

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Most of the businesses across the world depend on software solutions to function correctly. It is essential to ensure that the solutions that are currently in place or the ones that you are looking to build or buy are entirely in sync with your business needs. They should support your business the way you intend them to.

However, not all software solutions are created equal. There is one huge decision that you will have to make concerning your software solution. Whether you want to buy an off the shelf software or build a bespoke software solution? Both of these software solutions provide answers to several business problems. You need to choose one of the two depending on your specific issues. In this post, we will talk about bespoke or custom software solutions and their advantages.

What Is Bespoke Software?

Bespoke software solutions are those that are tailor-made or customised to solve one or more requirements specific to a particular business. It is not a one size fits all solution. It’s instead a custom size that only fits particular needs. These solutions are built for a specific business. These solutions can be maintained either by the bespoke software development company that created it or the client itself. The license of the software remains with just one client. On the other hand, we have off the shelf software solutions developed for solving a few general needs of more than a few clients.

Bespoke software solutions include everything from web applications, back-end applications, and mobile applications to software application adaptations, application interfaces/integration, and more. Now let us take a look at the advantages of bespoke software development.

What are the advantages of bespoke software development?

Bespoke software development is the ideal solution for those businesses that don’t find the commercially available solutions the right fit for their needs. Bespoke software development is the answer they are looking for because of the following advantages:


When hiring a software development company to build bespoke software from scratch for you, the choice of whatever happens with your software rests with you. So you will have complete control when it comes to decisions related to its appearance and functionality. Nothing will be finalised if it hasn’t gone past you. You will communicate all your needs to the business analysts of the development company. They will translate those for the development team, ensuring that the product that you receive at the end is what you wanted.


Most of the software development companies that offer bespoke solutions use the agile methodology. This methodology helps you communicate your needs and feedback directly to the developers as well. If there are certain modifications in your initial requirements, the developers will bring those on board as well without compromising on anything. You are also in control of the updates. Upgrades of off the shelf solutions contain features or updates that you can do without. On the other hand, bespoke software solutions undergo an upgrade only when you want them to.


Your software solution impacts your work a lot more than you think it does. For example, when you bring a communication application into the mix, you take a massive step towards building a culture of open communication and collaboration in your organisation. This application can bring your employees a lot closer than they were earlier, helping in improving your organisation’s overall productivity. Bespoke software solutions can be great goal setting tools for your business as well. When you decide that you need bespoke software, you need to make a list of requirements, which tells you a lot about your business and where it is headed. It also gives you a chance to analyse the effect of your work, something which will help you in discovering certain flaws and getting rid of them.


Most commercial off-the-shelf solutions in the market come with many functionalities, some of which are not even required. But this stacking up of all the features harms the speed of the application. It can make a software application more difficult to use than it originally is. On the other hand, bespoke software solutions only have features that you need. So the speed with which the system works doesn’t come down, helping in improving your business’s workflow. Integrating a custom software solution into existing off the shelf solution isn’t a problem. It can be done without losing relevant data.

This post presents before you a few crucial advantages of bespoke software solutions. The purpose of bringing these up is to help you decide the right software solution for your business needs.

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Make Your Web App Into A Native App Using Hybrid App Development Mon, 13 Jul 2020 07:32:17 +0000 The two types of mobile applications that are known to many are native apps and mobile web apps. Native apps are those that are installed directly onto the smartphone through an app store. Web apps, on the other hand, are websites that...

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The two types of mobile applications that are known to many are native apps and mobile web apps. Native apps are those that are installed directly onto the smartphone through an app store. Web apps, on the other hand, are websites that look and feel like native apps but are run by a browser. There is a third kind of mobile application known as Hybrid Mobile App, which is a combination of the other two types of mobile apps.

What is a Hybrid Mobile Application?

Hybrid applications are a combination of native software and web applications. They live in an app store like native apps and can take advantage of some available device features. Like web apps, they depend on HTML being rendered in a browser, with the exception that the browser is embedded in the application.

It is a Web app that works as a Native app. If you are looking to create a hybrid app, use web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But contrary to web applications which are web pages, hybrid apps are installed on your device. They should be bundled in a native application, using a suitable platform, to make them function like a native app.

These frameworks offer the possibility to communicate with the device’s operating system. But they lack tools to build UI, logic, etc. You can use JavaScript / CSS libraries for this purpose, just like they are used to render web pages. Then this program is wrapped and ready to run on an internal browser.


  • You can utilize your Web Development Skills: The main advantage of choosing hybrid apps development is the ability to utilize web development skills for app development. So, if you already have some web development experience, or there is a web developer on your team, learning some of the additional skills needed to create a hybrid app will not be an unusual task.
  • One Code, Multiple Uses: You can use the created code for any of your target platforms, which means you will not spend extra money and time on development for multiple platforms. Companies often build hybrid apps as wrappers for an existing web page; thus, they hope to get a presence in the app store, without spending considerable effort on developing another app. Another significant advantage is that the application can run with or without an internet connection.


Performance Loss: Hybrid Apps have their disadvantages, just like any other technology. Hybrid apps are not a choice for you if your application intends for high performance. You may have access to the target device’s specific features, but their number is limited. Hybrid apps also add an extra layer, using the Framework, between source code and target device platform. It can cause performance loss, but it varies from application to application.

Frameworks for Hybrid Mobile App Development

There are various Hybrid Mobile Application Development services available, each offering some distinct features for developers. Before choosing a framework, conduct thorough research and find one which suits your skills and needs. The most popular ones are listed below:

PhoneGap: It is used to pack and release an application that was previously created. It wraps code in a native app. It can be paired along with other JavaScript or UI frameworks such as jQuery Mobile or AngularJS. You can control the device’s hardware with PhoneGap and even use the accelerometer or camera. With PhoneGap, the source code for the mobile app can always be accessed, updated, and re-applied across platforms.

Ionic Framework: It is a perfect choice for beginners. Ionic Framework focuses on an app’s frontend interaction — UI controls, communications, gestures, animations. Learning Ionic is easy and integrates with other libraries or frameworks such as Angular JS, React JS or Vue. Alternatively, using a simple script include, it can be used stand-alone without any frontend framework.

Mobile Angular UI: It is lightweight and works smoothly. It is based on Bootstrap and provides some additional components like overlays, switches, sidebars, and different types of navbars. It retains most of the syntax of Bootstrap 3 syntax, and hence, it is easier to bring an existing web app to mobile. It also provides better options when it comes to icons.

Sencha Touch: This Framework is usually used for enterprises. Apps created using it support iOS, Windows, Android, and other platforms.

Tips for Developers

  • Focus on Graphics: You should use optimizers for graphics that can help load web pages faster. Embedding your web app into a native app may cause performance issues and using graphics optimizers will help reduce them.
  • Do not use HTML5 for Complex Apps: The more complex an app gets, the chances of facing performance reduction also increase. Using HTML5 at full capacity can increase such issues.
  • Performance Testing: It is essential to test your app’s performance at every step of the development process. Making changes before deployment would be much more convenient.


A Hybrid mobile web application is an excellent option if you are limited in resources or have no native app development experience. But there is no justification for you to believe that as a result, you will be having something sloppy and low-functional. Many great apps can be built using the frameworks mentioned above. If you want to create an app for your business, you can check out the best custom software development companies that offer customized application development services.

The post Make Your Web App Into A Native App Using Hybrid App Development appeared first on Tech Web Space.

A Guide to Hiring the Right SEO Specialist Who Can Keep Up with the Ever-Evolving SEO Pace Tue, 01 Oct 2019 04:34:00 +0000 You need to do some groundwork to hire an SEO expert who is capable of keeping up with the ever-evolving SEO pace.

The post A Guide to Hiring the Right SEO Specialist Who Can Keep Up with the Ever-Evolving SEO Pace appeared first on Tech Web Space.

The SEO field is an ever-changing one with search engines altering their algorithms every now and then. Google employs some of the best minds to change it and keep it immune from SEO experts cracking the code and impacting the search results. Now when you hire SEO services company, you would want an SEO specialist who is aware of any new developments that have taken place in search algorithms and are quick to adapt to the changing trends and practices.

You need to do some groundwork to hire an SEO expert who is capable of keeping up with the ever-evolving SEO pace and coming up with a checklist that will help in finding the right persona or agency. You would want someone who can make rational decisions, is fast to act and adapt to changes, is sound when it comes to technical know-how and knows why they are doing, what they are doing. There are few questions you should put across to the SEO agency and based on their answers you can then take a call.

Who All Are Hiring Your Services and for How Long?

It’s always the portfolio of a particular agency, which helps in assessing their potential. Don’t just hire if you find that the portfolio is impressive with some big brand names as their customers. Ask them if they are still their clients or do they renew their contracts with the agency. If they only had small stints with a majority of their clients, then it simply means that they are not professional enough and things go bad somewhere, which leads to the contracts getting terminated.

Find out the specialization of an SEO agency. For instance, if you’re a home service business owner, you might want to consider home service SEO. Lawyers can work with law firm SEO services and doctors for healthcare service SEO.

How Will You Help in Improving the Google Rankings of My Website?

The agency should be able to pinpoint a few areas that they consider needs improvement if they have come with some preparation after having a short review of your website. They should be able to tell you what tools and techniques they will use to improve your website rankings. If they are clueless about it or have come unprepared for the interview, then you should consider it as a negative and move on to some other agency.

Will You Guarantee Me the Highest Google Ranking?

Even the best SEO company in India cannot guarantee this. All that they can guarantee is that they will do their best to come up with a proper strategy making use of available tools and techniques to enhance the rankings. Anyone guaranteeing the top slot is simply bluffing and you should stay away from such a company.

How Will You Measure and Discuss Progress?

The SEO services in India you are interviewing should be able to provide a clear answer to this. They should be able to tell you what reports they will generate and how it will help in measuring the success of their strategy. They will be having some actual statistics to show their progress to you at a pre-defined frequency, which can be fortnightly or monthly or as discussed between the two of you.

Why Will You Be a Good Choice for My Business?

Many SEO companies are operating from different cities and catering to different clients. Some of them have made a name for themselves and that too for all the right reasons. But, as businesses and the client’s requirements vary, it is quite possible that the agency that is good for someone is not apt for your goals or your size or type of business. It is also possible that a company looks big just because they have partnerships or alliances in other cities and they mention it in totality in their portfolio, while they are not competent enough on their own. Thus, you should ask why a particular agency will be a good choice for your business. You should also do some groundwork on your own to figure out if they will be the right choice.

How Experienced Are You in Improving Local SEO?

If your business requires you to focus on the local market, then asking this question is extremely important. This is because the local SEO requirements are a little different than the general SEO. When you have to focus more on local markets, the agency you hire needs to have a thorough knowledge of local SEO strategies and they also need the relevant data and tools for that. For instance, link building, which in general SEO, should be from websites in the same niche; in local SEO, it’s not mandatory. Here link building is done differently.

These are few of the questions that you should be asking to find the right SEO services in India that can help you increase your rankings and hence visibility. You should also do some research on your own so that you can decipher the answers correctly. Based on the answers, you will be able to make the right choice of SEO specialist for your needs.

The post A Guide to Hiring the Right SEO Specialist Who Can Keep Up with the Ever-Evolving SEO Pace appeared first on Tech Web Space.
