Kenny William, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Sun, 03 Mar 2024 07:18:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kenny William, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 IOS Vs Android: Which Is Best For Startups In 2024? Sun, 03 Mar 2024 07:18:05 +0000 Businesses big, mid-sized or startups, all hinge on apps to thrive in this cutthroat digital age competition. And, to choose between iOS vs Android is a never-ending struggle for entrepreneurs of all walks! Because, the two giants have been hitting the right...

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Businesses big, mid-sized or startups, all hinge on apps to thrive in this cutthroat digital age competition. And, to choose between iOS vs Android is a never-ending struggle for entrepreneurs of all walks! Because, the two giants have been hitting the right business and user-centric aspects, uniquely! From thriving in the market and helping businesses and entrepreneurs scale their set up. It is never easy to pick from the best of the best.  

But, but, but for you as a startup we know how things are. You must choose and pick one of the two giants. One that fructifies your initial investment as well as lets you have the shot to hit the spot of scalability and serve your user base aptly. So, while it is not a straight big YES or big NO. We are here with aspects that will make it easy for you to choose between iOS or Android for your mobile first phenomenon. So, let’s get straight into the nitty gritty of it!

Why Choose between iOS vs Android? 

It is said when the Why is clear how it becomes easy. And, here we shall go by that formula. Let’s start with why choosing between iOS and Android app development is important? Technology is now an integral part of human life and humans live by their smartphones. Right from searching, finding a route, binge watching, socially connecting or even ordering food and groceries online, mobile is the first take. And, for the most part, they only take either a platform by Google or by Apple Inc. 

Well, this makes it easy to comprehend that mobile usage is at the peak and there is never a no for that! Now, we know what’s concerning you is whether iOS or Android. But, before we get into the core for that, you need to decode the ‘WHY’? Which goes as under:

  • There are currently around 7.41 billion mobile users. Plus, it is to hit a whopping high of 7.49 billion by 2025. 
  • Also, if we take into account the app revenue market it hit a high of US$420.80bn in 2022. However, the reports suggest that it is to surge up to around US$673.80bn by 2027 alone. 
  • On top of that, did you know that an average human has about 30 apps on their phone? And, not just that, the screen time of an average human is accelerating from min 4 hours to max of 6/7 hours. Now, this is humongous. 
  • Coming to the user the current stats show that Android has a thicker user base with about 3.5 billion users. On the other hand, iOS swims at 1.3 billion users. 

This means that the user base is quite populated and is of course divided between the two giants. But, it is not viable to pick Android just because it has a humongous user base as compared to iOS. Like I said earlier, it’s not about a big Yes or a big No for either.  

It also means that you as a startup owner now know how important it is to choose from anyone. But, to pick and invest in the best OS. You need to run through your core business framework. However, to choose wisely you need to know the core difference between iOS vs Android app development. Because as a startup I know there are tight margins and small investment pools to play around. And adding to that there’s an equal pressure to pitch an app where your users are seated. So, for that dynamic strategic necessity to be in place, tag along.  

What are the key differences between iOS App Development vs Android? 

Tech x Humans are inseparable. They are not like two peas in a pod but certainly are two sides of the same coin. And, where tech is woven into human life seamlessly, it is a non-negotiable necessity and rule for businesses to have an app. And, let me tell you startups are no exception to the rule here. More like a storefront in the traditional markets apps are a storefront for your business in this digital market on smartphones.  

So for your startup to sell products/services like hotcakes, you need an app. Now, that’s there! But, to know on which platform is of key significance. And, to get to the root of it you need to know which is the best platform for your startup. 


It is obvious that for both platforms the development languages differ. For iOS mobile app development services it is Swift and obj-C. For Android, it is Kotlin and Java. However, it is fairly easy and time savvy to develop iOS apps. But, as a startup, you need to take into account what’s important and not what’s easy. Because eventually, the development part depends on the app development company you choose.  


It is a symbiotic dance of innovation where your brand identity and customer connection are built. However, when it comes to Android, the platform is more driven by animation and designs layered with depth and shadow. Whereas, on the other hand, iOS has a more clutter-free, plain, and simple content centric design. Ultimately, it comes down to your business aspect and target audience as a startup.  


We need to get a little technical here as an interface is supremely crucial for any app. In this case, when it comes to Android they have XML for Android and XMB for iOS. However, here the thing is that iOS has a digital supremacy and not just focuses but wins on animated interface. Coming to Android, they are more hardware centric and their interface though uplifting still loses to iOS app development.  

But, remember that visually appealing interfaces make it easy to win user attention. Also, you must make sure that it is easy to navigate for your users. Because visually stellar but difficult to navigate is the worst combination you could ever invest in.  

Device Fragmentation 

An app that runs on multiple devices wins at large. Yes, this is an unspoken rule and this goes for both Android and iOS. Whereas, the amalgamation of software applications running smoothly with the hardware of different devices is the key point. As a startup I know you will be initially opting for an app that works seamlessly on all types of screen sized and devices in general.  

So, with Android, you do get cross device compatibility but it also comes with its efforts. Like added testing and optimization. On the contrary, iOS has a restrictive approach and has comparatively less device fragmentation.  


Customizing apps is quite a hot thing these days. Businesses and startups hop on this to best serve their users with a tailored approach. Furthermore, between iOS app development services and Android, the latter has a wider bandwidth. Whereas, iOS has pretty strict rules and guidelines and there is not much customization window on the iOS platform.  


One can not compromise on security and I know that you are adamant on this as a startup. SO, while choosing a platform you need to check which platform pans out the most security. iOS it is. Yes! While iOS reigns supreme on guidelines and a formatted framework, it also is huge on security. Whereas, coming to Android it is comparatively less secure due to the panoramic device fragmentation etc. 

Development Cost 

As a startup opting for cist savvy platforms stands first. And, if that is the case Android is your go-to platform. I say this because it is not just cost-effective but also easy to access. This means getting an Android app developed is not just easier but cheaper. And, iOS on the other hand might get quite costly for you as a startup to invest in initially.  

Development Time 

As mentioned above, Android takes up more development time as compared to iOS. Because the process for iOS development is quite straightforward and restricted to a few sets of devices. Whereas, when it comes to Android app development service it takes much longer. 


Running quality tests is a no brainer. As a startup you need to make sure if your app is working smoothly and the features are running seamlessly. Also, when it comes to Android the testing process is quite lengthy, complex and time consuming, WHereas with iOS it is quite compact and only to be tested on a given set of devices.  

Releasing Processes 

Everything comes down to releasing the app to the market and the process of course differs amongst the platforms. So, if for your startup you need the app to be released faster I’d suggest choosing Android. With iOS there’s a process where before releasing the app there’s a considerably lengthy reviewing process. 

Having said that, now you know how these platforms are different at the core, technically. Over that, none of these reasons alone should dominate or influence your decision. Because at the core it is the factors like your target audience, business model, etc. Thus for you to have that part covered let me give you the secret sauce to accurate decision making. 

How to Choose between iOS vs Android for your Startup? 

Considering the colossal competitive market, startups are hardwired to have apps as a part of their strategic necessity. But, beyond the technical aspect let’s get onto the core aspects. By this I mean there are a few things to take into consideration before picking a platform. See, picking a platform is not a simple yes or nothing. But, to choose which platform is a matter of a big yes or a small no and vice versa.  

To choose a platform between iOS mobile app development vs Android you need to dive into some core specifics. 

  • Consider your business model
  • Take into account your target audience
  • Analyze which platform is the  most preferred by your audience
  • Take the dynamics like investment bracket, budget and customization requirements if you have any.
  • Further, also consider the development. If you are opting for a faster time to release you now know which platform to choose.  

Is Android the best platform for your Startup?

Well, if you want a device with a diverse presence, then yes it is. Plus, if you are looking for varied appealing designs that are cost-effective. Then android app development service might be your go-to as it also has a faster time to release. Then let me tell you that you as a startup should choose Android as a platform. 

Is iOS the best platform for your startup?

If your startup needs to target a niche audience and does not require a diverse device fragmentation. Then iOS happens to be the best choice for you. Ancillary to that,  in case you do not require any customization attributes and want a clutter free design. Now you know iOS for you. Additionally, the iOS user base tends to have a history of making premium choices if your target market is that. Don’t waste time and straight away get in touch with a veteran app development company.

However, both platforms host dynamic sets of unique technical operabilities, pros, and cost considerations. But, choosing a best fit for your startup comes down to getting into the nitty gritty of the point of differences and a detailed consideration of core aspects. As I mentioned in the beginning it is a never ending struggle. However, with the aspects and detailed explanation in this blog, I believe it will be easier for you to pick one and capitalize on. Further, don’t forget to choose one of the best app development companies because leaving the art to the artist is the most viable path to pick!

The post IOS Vs Android: Which Is Best For Startups In 2024? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Top 8 Game Development Companies in India 2022 Tue, 19 Jul 2022 03:22:52 +0000 It’s not a secret that slowly but progressively gaming technology has been setting numerous benchmarks all over the industry. From mind-bending visuals to brain-draining complicated puzzles, the world of gaming has evolved with a sharp performance. All thanks to the game developers...

The post Top 8 Game Development Companies in India 2022 appeared first on Tech Web Space.

It’s not a secret that slowly but progressively gaming technology has been setting numerous benchmarks all over the industry. From mind-bending visuals to brain-draining complicated puzzles, the world of gaming has evolved with a sharp performance. All thanks to the game developers who put extensive research and effort into creating the best experience for the user. But as fun, as it seems game development is not a child’s play, it requires knowledge and the amount of commitment only a few individuals are willing to provide. So here we are picking the most distinctive and considered prominent companies who offer services and solutions regarding game development. 

“Game Creation Keeps on expanding just like universe, that is the reason why I keep making games” –

Hideo Kojima

The list is not a ranking stand; they all have contributed to the recent developments in gaming development. Individually they are leading companies in their region when it comes to mentioning the pre-eminent game development company.

1. Underdogs

They are a Mumbai-based company that has been providing various game development services over the past 10+ years. Their services include the majority of the game development platform and have been publishing 200+ games. They also develop games in AR\VR mode too which makes it quite amazing as the use of AR and VR has been rising digitally. 

2. Yudiz Solutions.

Yudiz Solutions was founded on the principle of collective and research-based efforts that would turn into technically hoisted results. Originated in 2008, being one of the oldest IT development companies and advancing in the industry by creating some of the most amazingly integrated and comprehensively smart games that have experienced successful downloads. They have been elevating their presence in Ahmedabad as well as all around the world by providing solutions in various game development for cross-platform gaming too.

Their current achievement was to become a part of the All India gaming federation as their developer and successfully create a Digital asset-based Play to Earn game. Their unique ideology is what sets them apart; to be a part of their customers’ successful journey. 

They have experts who can through their ingenious and enterprising vision create projects that could not only scale but become one of the most popular in today’s gaming industry. Looking at the result of their project you will find how resourceful they are and can tackle rapid changes quickly through their perceptive strategies. 

3. Hasbyte Studio

You won’t be surprised when I talk about Pune as one of the giants of IT hubs, correct?Well, our next company is from Pune, Hasbyte studio was founded in 2018 and since then they have been delivering excellent services using various tools and technology. The secret to their success must be their employees being highly creative because if you see their results you would clearly mention each and every detail utilised in their project.

Also Read: 8 Important Tips to Make Your iPad App Development Effortless

4. nCORE games

Situated in Bangalore are a mobile game and interactive entertainment company. They are quite experienced and well known for their FPS shooting games which can be considered their biggest achievement too. Using their years of cumulative experience they are able to complete their project with complete comprehensive authenticity.

5. HData Systems.

Their main forte is developing analytical data software but when it comes to making Visually responsive hyper-casual games they have been the best in the market. HData systems is experienced in creating innovative games that can be seen as successfully operational in the market. They are powered by HyperLink infosystems so leveraging the finest tools helps them to satisfy their customer without any obstacle. 

6. 99 Games 

They are one of the leading game creators and developers in India. The versatility they incorporate is simply amazing, coders, writers, designers and many experts have contributed to every game they have created. They have been increasing their market presence by providing confounding games that have performed in the market. Also, it helped them to become record-breaking game developers. Their published games have been invested by some of the well-known game producers who provide them guidance and knowledge to become what they are today. 

7. HCL Technologies

HCL is quite famous for providing next-generation technology-based solutions to each and every sector of currently functional industries. Recently they have started investing their resources in gaming technology and the reason they are on our list is because of their positive brand perception. It’s a company that has made numerous technological breakthroughs in India and will continue to do so. Game development is their subsidiary service but trusting their level of providing quality services they will surely become a reputable service provider in the advancing Indian gaming industry.

8. Spiel Studios

Starting from a small venture and making a reputation among the best game development firm, Spiel Studios have been creating games that would be able to perform on every platform one can offer. They were founded in 2008 making them experienced and stacking 10+ years of brilliant ideas that could help you with your next big project.

They have published games for both international and domestic markets making them skilled enough to craft games that can run on both proving grounds. The company makes sure to provide their clients a satisfied. Also, they cooperated experience making them one of the viable game development companies operating in the market.

Concluding Lines

As you can see there are numerous options available for a game enthusiast who is ready to invest in a game and wants it to be published on the global market. India is said to be progressively increasing their global presence in terms of an advanced technological market. This opens several possibilities for companies who are willing to dish out innovative ideas at the table. 

Upcoming years will be considered crucial for Game Development Companies as they experiment with countless technically elevated ideas and tools. These companies individually have been able to perform and provide authentic service to well-known clients. The future of game development sure looks promising to me. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Top 8 Game Development Companies in India 2022 appeared first on Tech Web Space.
